References compiled from the Agni Yoga Series

Part One

1. The Teacher
2. The Teaching
3. The Stronghold of Light
4. The Hierarchy of Light
5. Guidance
6. Those Who Walk Alone
7. Devotion
8. Service
9. The Living Ethics
10. The New Era

Part Two

1. Agni
2. Agni Yoga
3. An Agni Yogi
4. The Mother of Agni Yoga
5. The Agni Yoga Books

The Teacher

     It was never said to rely upon the Lord. On the contrary, it was repeated, "Be imbued with the Lord!" There is a great difference between timid and inactive reliance and imbuing the entire being with the consciousness of the Lord. As an invincible sword, the consciousness identified with the Lord smites all obstacles! Doubt cannot find shelter where a flaming consciousness is kindled. There will be no fatigue where the inexhaustible Source of Forces is admitted. Fear cannot penetrate into the temple of invulnerable armor. Thus, I advise acceptance of My Shields, not through recourse to a saving protection, but by conquering through the blending of consciousness.

Hierarchy, 149.

     If I say that I am always with you, will many believe it? They would even fear to believe in the united consciousness. For them, each such union is an intrusion upon their selfhood, and as such is entirely intolerable. They will never appreciate the tenfold multiplication of energy born of the cooperation of consciousnesses. But without such cooperation the entire Teaching of the Heart would be impossible. Why all details if there cannot be mutual fortification? But if this principle is attainable, then its enlargement to the full union of consciousnesses, which is called "Paloria," is also possible. But, then, how greatly can the work of those who acknowledge and have attained the unification of consciousnesses be extended for the General Good! Of course, I speak of the inner spiritual work, which the blind can neither perceive nor appreciate.
The summons to a unity of consciousnesses is necessary everywhere, because this is the simplest introduction into the life of the heart. This is not sorcery but a physical law that can weave a salutary net around the planet. Thus, everyone who follows the law of Being can justly consider himself a citizen of the Universe.

Heart, 150.

     The Ruler of Shambhala reveals three Doctrines to humanity; the Teaching manifested by Maitreya summons the human spirit to Our creative world; the Teaching of Maitreya ordains the infinite in Cosmos, in life, and in the attainments of the spirit; the Teaching of Maitreya guards the knowledge of the Cosmic Fire as the unfoldment of the heart that embraces the manifestation of the Universe.
The ancient legend that affirms the manifestation of Maitreya as a resurrection of the spirit is correct. We will add that the resurrection of the spirit as the conscious acceptance of the Teaching of Lord Maitreya may be precursor to the Advent. Verily, the resurrection!

Hierarchy, 7.

The Teaching

     The Teaching of Wisdom is not a textbook with numbered pages. The Teaching is one of indications for life as applied to each necessity. Just as lightning flashes wherever a sufficient electrical charge has accumulated, so does the Indication speed to wherever possibilities have increased.
While affirming the common unity, the Teaching of Life must address itself to each person. The Teaching offers solutions to one's daily problems. Sometimes it seems that the Teaching repeats already discussed themes. But compare these directives, and you will see that they touch upon entirely different problems in life. The outer signs have no significance. People can grow pale, or blush, for different reasons.

Agni Yoga, 304.

The Teaching grows spirally, as does all that exists. Blessings to those who understand the intermittency of the spiral fire.

Agni Yoga, 314.

     Each one must find the key to the Teaching in his heart. Understanding of the universal Teaching can unfold the creativeness of the spirit. The Image of the Teacher can provide an illumined path into the cosmic expanse.
The Brothers of Humanity are a moving force, but it is difficult for humanity to accept that which is unapparent to a crude sight. When the time will come for affirming the fact that straight-knowledge has more power than the eye, then will the consciousness, the intuition, and the subtlety of the human spirit be aroused.

Infinity I, 60.

The Stronghold of Light

     One is obliged to encounter people who ridicule each word unintelligible to them. Their receptive apparatus is covered with callouses of ignorance. For example, if to them is said—"Shambhala," they will take this concept of reality to be a fetish—superstition. What are the signs of the time of Shambhala? The signs of the age of truth and cooperation.

     Trace how the word Shambhala is uttered in the East. Try to penetrate, even in a small way, into the ideology of this concept. Try to understand the rhythm of structure of speech about Shambhala, and you will perceive a great reality which causes the harp-strings of humanity to vibrate. Let reason help you to ponder on the values accumulated by the best strivings.

New Era Community, 242.

     We shall not speak about a precise time when Our place started. Cataclysms molded the favorable conditions, and with Our knowledge We can guard the Center against unbidden guests. The existence of violent enemies has permitted Us to close the entrances still more tightly and to instruct neighbors in an effective silence.

New Era Community, 72

     Shambhala is the indispensable site where the spiritual world unites with the material one. As in a magnet there exists the point of utmost attraction, so the gates of the spiritual world open into the Mountain Dwelling. The manifested height of Guarisankar helps the magnetic current. Jacob's Ladder is the symbol of Our Abode.

Illumination, II-I-5

The Hierarchy of Light

     Some may be unable to reconcile the idea of equality with that of Hierarchy. Equality lies in the potentiality of spirit that all possess. Hierarchy is based on the uniqueness of one's accumulated experience. Therefore it is just to say that a complex of knowledge will be the gate of Hierarchy. Mark the expression "complex," because narrow specialization cannot define the breadth of a Hierarch.

     Striving for knowledge, gain the realization of the Teacher. Truly, reverence for the Teacher is the panacea, even for physical ailments.

Agni Yoga, 94.

     I, by the justice of Hierarchy, decree that the achievement of introducing the new Yoga is superior to all other missions!

Agni Yoga, 186.

     How majestic is the law of Hierarchy! How constructive are all laws of Hierarchy! Verily, the ladder reaches Heaven. Thus, each one striving to Hierarchy can fulfill the Higher Will through a task given from Above. Thus, We build through Hierarchy; hence each Indication should be fulfilled as given by the Hierarch. Only thus can one fulfill the Higher Will. Therefore one should truly guard the wish of the Hierarch. As pearls of the spirit one should guard the entire affirmed Source.

Hierarchy, 101.

     How, then, can one be affirmed in the Chain of Hierarchy? Only through the heart and endless striving toward Service, only by complete assimilation of the Plan of the Lords and through creativeness of the spirit. Thus , verily, each one on the path must accept the Service of the heart. Thus the immutability of the Chain of Hierarchy is verily affirmed.

Hierarchy, 228.

     One should follow the Hierarch in full trust, just as the Hierarch follows his own Hierarch. This path of devotion should be loved. One must cleave to it whole-heartedly, so that any other mode of thought becomes impossible. Verily, by such devotion are worlds built. One may read about most beautiful examples of devotion, and thus will be narrated a story about heroes. One should even learn to live like the heroes. One should love the Fiery Sphere.

Fiery World I, 614.


     To be affirmed in the heart upon the Lord is the first condition on the path to the Fiery World. It is impossible to arrive at the ordained Gates without this fiery requirement. Of course, Guidance must be recognized in spirit and heart, for the acceptance of the Hand of the Lord is alone insufficient without devoting the heart to the Lord. One must understand that law which unites the Teacher with the disciple, because without the manifestation of complete attachment to the Lord there can be no bond. A full acceptance of Guidance means a conscious relationship, for one must understand and feel in the heart the warmth which arises from the depths of the spirit. It is especially necessary to feel and to learn to discern that by which the nature of the Lord is linked with that of the disciple. Thus, one must remember that vibrations and Karma are as connecting links on the path to the Fiery World.

Fiery World III, 106.

     When we proceed along the path of ascent, confide your hands to Ours. Hasten to the summit of the Heart.

Heart, 492.

     Humanity must develop sensitiveness if it desires to avoid a catastrophe. How is it possible that it does not understand that help can come only if the Guiding Hand is accepted! One must point out that if the Guiding Hand is not accepted catastrophe is inevitable.

Infinity II, 88.

     One should think about the paths of subtle advancement. One should constantly keep in one's consciousness the fact that thought does not cease moving forward if one's thinking has been carefully guarded. And the union with Hierarchy means that one is not left to advance alone. In reply to the question-are we not abandoned, I answer-Verily, when our hearts are linked to Hierarchy we shall not be abandoned. We can advance in the Subtle World when the Guiding Hand is not rejected.

Fiery World III, 334.

Those Who Walk Alone

     Humanity comments in its own way on each ordained affirmation. It distorts in its own way each Ordainment from Above. It applies great principle to life in its own way. It asserts each manifested will in its own way. How can the great be contained in the small, and the cosmic in the personal? How can the great Servitor of Reason and of entire humanity be understood by a consciousness that recognizes only its own hearth? How can a self-denying Leader become affirmed in the understanding of a small daily routine? Only when a spark of devotion to Hierarchy burns in the heart will one find the Gates open. Only gratitude to the Teacher can reveal the entrance to the Gates. Each one who has chosen his own path must realize the loneliness of his orbit, because only love and devotion for Hierarchy include the spirit in the Chain of Light. Thus, each one determines his own karma. Only through Light do we approach Light.

Hierarchy, 273.


     Of what do We speak? Of the quality of devotion and also of alertness—the ability to see clearly. Devotion—irrepressible, all-conquering, creative, adorning the path. Alertness—all-penetrating vision, all-comprehending, indefatigable, strengthening aspiration. Are there many who can cultivate within themselves both devotion and alertness? …

     The concept of devotion is vastly demeaned. People are quick to show discontent. Not lengthy is Our list of those devoted to Us. Cherish each evidence of devotion. But the true measure of devotion is revealed only at times of difficulty. And the ability to see is tested only through the cover of mist. Our Shield is simply the understanding of devotion. People usually understand devotion as love, readiness, or solicitude. But these fragments of devotion are only a smile of sympathy, whereas true devotion is radiant, like a warrior ready for battle. Speak often of devotion, and praise alertness. People need affirmation.

Agni Yoga, 251.

     One must distinguish between absolute devotion and conditional devotion. Most often people display absolute devotion when they receive, but each act of giving in return is difficult because of self-imposed conditions. Some accept what they have been given, but then raise obstacles in their own consciousness, and begin to think that the given treasure is but a piece of mold! One should remember that the measure of one's devotion determines the measure of receiving. Faith must be equal in degree to knowledge. Each limiting condition set upon one's faith sets an equally limiting condition on its fruits. Yet no one would wish to be called a conditional disciple. Such a title would provoke offense. The law acts identically under all conditions. But the law does not take offense—it co-measures. Be assured of the co-measurement of devotion.

Agni Yoga, 87.

     Contemplate each approach to Us. Become irreplaceable. By night cover yourself with Our Name. By day gird yourself in the armor of devotion.

Agni Yoga, 102.

     Each act of reverence for the Teacher shows an understanding of the Teaching. Each sign of reverence for the site of the Teacher's labor will show deep understanding and devotion. But these signs of attention cannot be prompted. These signs must by themselves flower in the consciousness. The Teacher will not demand, "Pay your respect to Me!"

Agni Yoga, 119.


     The Teacher rejoices when collective labor is possible. Rejection of collective labor is ignorance. Only a lofty individuality finds within itself the measure of collective concepts. So long as the personality fears collective work, it is not yet individualized; it still remains in the stifling atmosphere of selfhood. Only true discernment of the indestructibility of freedom permits adherence to collective labor. Only through such true mutual respect can we attain the realization of harmonious labor—in other words, attain active good. In this good is kindled the fire of the heart; hence each manifestation of harmonious labor is so joyous. Such labor augments the psychic energy unusually. Let the work be carried out at least in short united labor; even if for brief periods at first, it must be in complete accord and intent upon success. In the beginning, fatigue because of disunity is unavoidable, but later the coordinated collective force will multiply the energy tenfold. Thus, even in small nuclei one can thrust forward the prototype of world progress.

Fiery World I, 288.

     If people would only understand with what foundations it is possible to build a better world! If humanity would only reflect upon the concepts which permeate life! So many higher impulses could become awakened in the consciousness, so many dormant energies could act, if humanity would only accept the Covenant of Service, inasmuch as this has been affirmed by all the Higher Forces! All the fiery qualities of Service are precisely based on devotion.
Verily, this quality is the basis of constructiveness. On the path to the Fiery World it will be necessary to affirm this foundation.

Fiery World III, 358.

     Service to the Hierarchy of Light is service to the General Good. Of course, striving to the General Good opens the gates of higher knowledge and Service. But I would like you to realize clearly what qualities you must first of all develop in yourself for advancement on the path of Service. Many people are dreaming about the General Good and even are ready to work for it as long as it does not interfere with their habits and prosperity. But true service to the General Good, which leads to the gates of the Stronghold of Light, requires sacrifice and complete disdain for everything personal, in other words, the complete abandonment of selfhood. When the consciousness is broadened, when all feelings and comprehension are refined, the law of sacrifice will be accepted as the highest achievement. There will be no room for self-pity, fear for the future, offenses and envy because with every breath will sublimity, beauty, and the highest joy of service be realized.
The mature spirit who consciously chooses the path of Service knows the joy of a broadened consciousness and the fiery striving to the Highest Consciousness; he knows the joy of fulfillment of the Higher Will; he knows the joy of discovery and the destination of life; and in the appointed hour he will learn the sublimity and beauty of the final sacrament.
And so, after understanding and accepting with our heart the significance of the great liberating and crowning sacrifice, let us strive to develop in ourselves love, devotion, gratitude and obedience to Hierarchy. Let us be ready to take any burden, remembering that the heavier the burden the shorter will be our path. Truly speaking, from love and devotion issue all the other qualities which help our advancement.

Letters of Helena Roerich I, pg. 60.

The Living Ethics

     The Living Ethics discerns all the concepts which are the Fundamentals of Life. In order to apply the Living Ethics to life it is first of all needful to find in oneself the quality of true Service to Hierarchy. Precisely all bigots are the first to depart from the Living Ethics. No standing before an Object, symbolizing the Loftiest of Images, can help, if there is no true reverence. We know bigots who can pray with words but are silent in heart. Indeed, these bigots love to talk about a sacred Image hanging near them in a corner or standing close by on a table. The Living Ethics must first of all be expressed in ethics of daily actions. The Living Ethics helps to preserve the image of man. These fiery laws will give the spirit understanding of Hierarchy. Service can be a miraculous bridge between Worlds, for the Subtle World cannot help a spirit to become surrounded with subtle energies if infections of the spirit are not outlived on the Earth. Useless are all assurances of devotion, useless are professed understandings of the Teacher, useless are honors to the Lord where there is no understanding of the Living Ethics. In the Subtle World one does not depart from one's experiences. As one's own light illumines the surroundings, so too does one's own darkness choke all space. On the path to the Fiery World one must ponder about the threatening consequences if the Living Ethics has not been applied in life.

Fiery World III, 135.

     Thus must the Living Ethics enter into everyday life. If the Living Ethics be not accepted, then a series of rigorous consequences will be powerfully manifested.

Fiery World III, 136.

     The Living Ethics contains laws for the manifestation of Truth. Life is affirmed in all the higher concepts; thus, the creativeness of the Living Ethics directs thought to the construction of the essential. All strivings in the name of the Living Ethics will direct thought to future constructiveness. Indeed, not by words but by actions will be molded the steps of the future. Each life-giving fire must evoke its own forms. Therefore, the creativeness of the Living Ethics can direct humanity to the Light. The Subtle World affirms its creative power which is manifested for the betterment of Existence. How great is the responsibility of mankind for all the engenderings which have caused such destruction! Each engendering in its turn produces its destruction, and the planet is engulfed in stifling gases. Therefore, it is so important to assume a higher destination of life as a striving toward the true Living Ethics. It is impossible to bring into order the earthly and supermundane spheres without this purification. The present is revealed as the time for introspection and adoption of these great designations, for the battle between Light and darkness is at hand. Thus, on the path to the Fiery World let us intensify our energies in the name of the Living Ethics.

Fiery World III, 137.

The New Era

     Each era chooses its new, corresponding Teaching, when all previous Teachings have become distorted. People tend to cling to these twisted distortions of the faith of their forefathers, yet no new Teaching ever excludes preceding ones. Little attention is paid to this fact, for the followers of every Teaching like to build their success on denial of the previous Teachings. But it is easy to prove the continuity of what people call religion. In this continuity is sensed a single stream of one energy. Calling it psychic energy, we speak of the Sophia of the Hellenic world or Sarasvati of the Hindus. The Holy Ghost of the Christians manifests signs of psychic energy, just as do the creative Adonai of Israel, and Mithra of Persia, full of solar power. Certainly, no one doubts that the Fire of Zoroaster is the Fire of Space, which you now study.

     Psychic energy is both Fire and Materia Matrix, and the Teaching of Agni Yoga is nothing other than an explanation of today's application of energy, the stream of which is approaching with Satya Yuga. This is not a new awakening of heretofore dormant possibility, but an enlightenment spread over time. I say, the Teaching cannot be given for money, nor can it be imposed; it heralds the New Era. One can ignore it or deny it, but its heralding is inescapable.
The coming era can be understood properly or in a distorted way, but its approach is undeniable.

Agni Yoga, 416.

     Be assured that the manifestation of the New Era will penetrate even the simplest of souls. The best ones will carry the burden of controversies and battles. The lesser ones can be given the simpler ways.

Agni Yoga, 545.

Part Two

1. Agni
2. Agni Yoga
3. An Agni Yogi
4. The Mother of Agni Yoga
5. The Agni Yoga Books


     Raj-Agni-thus was called that Fire which you call enthusiasm. Truly this is a beautiful and powerful Fire, which purifies all surrounding space. The constructive thought is nurtured upon this Fire. The thought of magnanimity grows in the silvery light of the Fire of Raj-Agni. Help to the near ones flows from the same source. There is no boundary line, no limitations for the wings radiant with Raj-Agni.

     Agni lives in the hearts of those who love the future. Even if their Agni is not yet manifested, its potentiality is inexhaustible. Likewise look with compassion upon people who do not know the future, as upon the sick. And truly their aura will not be luminous, for it will be deprived of the radiation of Materia Lucida.

Fiery World II,22, 26.


     Neither a day nor an hour should pass without applying the Teaching. Safeguard the Yoga as the way of Light, knowing how bountiful are the sparks of its Radiance! We will not sever the bond but will sustain it.
As the sun is untiring, so shall Agni be inextinguishable!

Agni Yoga, 407.

     Uru and Agni are needed to bring about the Svati of consciousness.

Agni Yoga, 517.

     There are rays which are sent into the heart, invisibly and imperceptibly. They are most penetrative, and the organism must assimilate them. At first they evoke anguish, yet they are comparable to pure Fire. The one who sends experiences a manifestation of the highest joy, and the one who receives will manifest the same joy after assimilation. In the most sacred Mysteries these rays were called "Agni Invisibilae." Thus, remember!

Infinity I, 81.

     No one can be incarnated without a store of fiery energy. Without the torch of Agni, no one enters the physical world. The squandering of Agni takes place here, amidst all the wonders of nature. To dissipate Agni it is not at all necessary to commit any violent crimes. From various Teachings we know enough about even the reformation of robbers. Ordinarily the dissipation of Agni occurs in everyday life when the spirit slumbers. The accumulation of Agni is arrested by trivial actions. It must be understood that the benefaction of Agni grows naturally, but when darkness blankets the process of perfectment, then the Fire imperceptibly-though it can be chemically proven-departs from the worthless receptacle. Beautiful is the law of eternal motion, either evolution or involution. Beautiful is the law that permits each incarnate being to have within him eternal Agni, as a Light in the darkness. Beautiful is the law that, even in spite of karma, issues Light to each wayfarer. Beautiful is the law that does not prevent the growth of the fiery garden within one, even from the age of seven. Though these first blossoms be small, though they bloom in very small thoughts, they will be a true inception of the future trend of thought. What a multitude of beautiful thoughts are born in the heart of a seven-year-old when the dim images of the Subtle World have not as yet disappeared from the brain and the heart! Dissipation may also begin then if the soil of the plant proves to be rotten. In case of such depletion it is possible to help much, or, as it was said long ago, to "lend Fire." This lending takes place also in the very smallest actions. Thus, already thrice have I reminded about crumbs. From these sparks grow huge fires.

Fiery World I, 183.

     As in Heaven, so on Earth. One foundation of Be-ness verily permeates all existence. Precisely this foundation should help humanity to understand the Hierarchy of Infinity. …
The abode of Agni is the furnace of Cosmic Power.

Fiery World II, 16.

     Only a fiery consciousness will prompt the refinement of rhythm. One may ponder over many things, but we shall always return to the fiery understanding. The abode of Agni is opened not by reasoning but by the harmony of rhythm. Precisely as a vessel sometimes is opened not by force but by rhythm. Only the true rhythm carries us forward and preserves us from delay.

Fiery World II, 17.

     Everyone who realizes the significance of the heart as the Abode of Agni is already upon the true path.

Fiery World II, 83.

Agni Yoga

     Now, We assemble the spirits of the sixth race, and Agni Yoga is the Call! And the synthesis of the Lotus attests a new creative step.

Infinity I, 188.

     Approaching Agni Yoga, we strive unwaveringly into Infinity. The all-pervading element leads toward the far-off worlds

Infinity I, epilogue.

     Maitreya wishes to hasten all. Maitreya wishes that all should be successfully accomplished. Maitreya wishes you joy. Maitreya wishes to grant to humanity a gift through the fiery experience of Agni Yoga. Maitreya wishes to transform life on Earth in the radiance of the Mother of the World. Yes, yes, yes! The beauty of life is limitless!

Hierarchy, 8.

     Among the sacred pains there is a certain type which is called, "The Vina of the Creator." As chords on a musical instrument, so speed the pains of the centers of the throat, the shoulders, the elbows, the extremities, the knees, and other centers. Thus is the heart attuned. Undoubtedly, the contact of the heart with the Highest remains the only refuge of humanity. Other Yogas have corresponded to different cosmic conditions. The heart is set out like an anchor in a storm, and it is not difficult to approach the fiery Yoga of the Heart.

Heart, 444.

     Hatha Yoga intensifies separate centers and it can only be regretted that these partial endeavors do not lead to Raja Yoga and Agni Yoga. Thus, physical and fiery exercises are harmful, disturbing the surrounding equilibrium. Fire is the highest element, and the approach to it must be by way of the higher consciousness. One can understand and learn to love Fire only through this higher consciousness.

Fiery World I, 13.

     How can it be explained to them that Agni Yoga is neither old nor new? An element that is perpetual and omnipresent is not subject to the demarcations of time. Fire is at the very threshold! One must call to mind how it is to be encountered, and one must understand that only Agni, psychic energy, can be the interpreter at the approach of Fire.

Fiery World I, 567.

     Agni Yoga requires a special resourcefulness. It cannot manifest through physical mechanics, which appear in different degrees in other Yogas. Such an element as Fire should, it would seem, be subject to physical laws no less than other elements. But the essence of Agni is subject to such very subtle laws, that physically it is inexpressible. Thus one must apply the entire refined resourcefulness in order to follow the fiery signs. Hence, one may perceive that often fiery signs are sent by Hierarchy, and people do not even try to perceive them and to apply them. The fiery covenant lies at the very foundation of human life. Conception, birth and all acts subject to Agni do not arouse wonderment at the manifestation of the Ineffable. One may wander around the mechanical constructions, but advance into the future is possible only through realization of Agni.

Fiery World II, 8.

     A fiery epoch has begun. As at present physical manifestations are being studied, so will be studied the fiery manifestations of the centers. Agni Yoga is being manifested as a forerunner of the Great Epoch — yes, yes, yes!

Fiery World III, 168.

An Agni Yogi

     The cosmic currents pass through the heart of an Agni Yogi. "The saturated heart senses all perturbations," thus the Ancient Wisdom speaks of the heart filled with Ether. That through which the Cosmic Space breathes, the sensitive heart breathes through also. That with which the Cosmic Heart breathes, the heart of an Agni Yogi breathes with also. Each vibration resounds upon the subtle strings of a sensitive heart, therefore one has to guard so greatly this cosmic treasure. The currents fill the heart and expand the sphere of its action; thus the cosmic correspondence is established.

Hierarchy, 107.

     Spirit-knowledge is revealed in the consciousness of a true Agni Yogi. The consciousness that embraces the currents of Space and grasps the formula of psychic energy may enter the vortex of Kundalini.

Infinity I, 22.

     When We speak of the centers of the Cosmos, We are also speaking of the corresponding centers of the Agni Yogi. The powers of energies are distributed according to identity, and the power of the most subtle energies will be absorbed by the sensitive organism.

Infinity I, 202.

     An Agni Yogi enters the tempo of the universal current, thus directing the trend of world thought; and, by suffusing the space with his essence, he attracts spirits to the new and predestined affirmation.

Infinity I, 229.

     Identity impels the Fire of Space to the centers of the tensed Agni Yogi. The Cosmic Magnet responds only when the attraction is intensely felt. When the centers are creating psychically it may be stated that identity is in force. The psycho-creativeness of an Agni Yogi is combined with the manifestation of the Magnet, and man must accept the conception of the fiery transmissions. The psychic seeds saturate the space and testify to the creativeness.

Infinity I, 275.

     The Agni Yogi is not only a magnetic focus but he also improves the health conditions of a locality. Thus, the Raja Yogi and the Agni Yogi take upon themselves the currents of space. It is not an exaggeration to state that Yoga restores the planet's health. One must hasten to realize the significance of spiritual perfectment. Only through such realization can one ease the strain of the Yogi's task, in which everyone can burden him, but only a few can help. One should attain at least the step of simple respect for the unusual.

Fiery World I, 286.

     Without Yoga, the simple heart knows what is needed for advance. It can be defined in any terms, but the significance of a joyous and solemn foundation is preserved throughout all time. The Yoga of Fire must strengthen the basis of ascent. The Agni Yogi is first of all not a hypochondriac; he summons all those who are strong and joyous of spirit. When joy keeps its glow even under the most difficult circumstances, the Agni Yogi is filled with impregnable strength. There, beyond the most difficult ascent, the Fiery World begins. The manifestation of the Fiery World is immutable. A Yogi knows that nothing can stop him from attaining the Fiery World. Thus, the first prayer of a mother and the very splendor of the fiery worlds are on the same thread of the heart.

Fiery World I, 561.

The Mother of Agni Yoga

     "I now have given the fiery Stone to her, who by Our decision shall be named the Mother of Agni Yoga, because she consecrated herself to the test of the Fire of Space.

Agni Yoga, epilogue

     On your planet We have Our entrusted one, who has drained the chalice of sublime experiments. She is sent to you as a witness of cosmic manifestations, as a bearer of My missions, as your prophetess of the future. Therefore, the concept of Redeemers is so vital. Precisely the fact that the sublime experiments were undergone is convincing. Humanity should learn especially from such experience as that issuing from the higher spheres and lived through on Earth.
Verily, you have the highest and the lowest!

Infinity I, 5.

     Write down, as a living record, the experience with the fires of Space undergone by the Mother of Agni Yoga. Record the experiment of the Mother of Agni Yoga as a great school of spirit.

Infinity I, 76.

     The attainment of the inner Fire, the degree reached by the Mother of Agni Yoga, is the rarest achievement. This degree of Fire is called the degree of attained Arhat. This living Fire was known in antiquity. The alchemist knew about it. The attainment of this higher degree of powerful flame may be manifested only by that spirit who lives the psycho-life of the whole heart. The mightiest lever of Cosmos, and the most sacred, is the heart. Its consciousness fills Space; its light illumines Cosmos.

Infinity I, 79.

     Record My mission to the Mother of Agni Yoga as the highest concordance on the planet.

Infinity I, 106.

     For the instruction of humanity, a complete parallel comparison can be made between the activity of a medium and the activity of an Agni Yogi. Humanity will soon learn how greatly it errs in regarding the medium as an exponent of the highest cosmic forces, and how greatly its existence is enriched by the Agni Yogis. Verily, the Fire of the higher spheres is trying to break through! We confirm the achievement of the Mother of Agni Yoga as a guiding radiant symbol!

Infinity I, 176.

     I, Maitreya, affirm the cosmic tension of the Fire of the Mother of Agni Yoga.
The correlation between the fire of the spirit and the Fire of Space affirms new life. Thus, it can be proclaimed that the Tara strives toward the redemption of humanity. The path of self-sacrifice leads to consummation!

Infinity I, 219.

     The Mother of Agni Yogi brings the chalice of salvation to mankind. Thus the Arhat and the Tara bring salvation into the construction of a better future. In the harmonious alliances of the Origins, salvation is borne to mankind. Thus We set the foundation of the new race and the step of highest fusion.

Infinity I, 231.

     The Tara and the Arhat manifest cooperation and spin the best designs—I so affirm! Thus We respond to the Cosmic Magnet.

Infinity I, 319.

The Agni Yoga Books

     There are many occult books, but the majority of them cannot be utilized now. The chief reason is that everywhere they take into account only some specially chosen people. But Our Teaching has in mind all, all, all! Only through these calls to all can abstract ethics be replaced by the Teaching of Life.

Heart, 155.

     The books of Agni Yoga are a gift to humanity. I affirm the gift of the spirit; the approach of Fire will give to mankind a newly inscribed line, leading to the highest manifestations. We consider as most important and valuable the high manifestation of spirit which is linked with the appearance of the fires. We respect a high straight-knowledge and can impart Our treasures to the spirits closest to Us.
If people could but understand the call of Space and the true Image of an Arhat! Even the best people do not recognize the fire of the spirit; dimly glows their understanding of an Arhat.

Infinity I, 72.

     The book "Call" knew no obstacles. The book "Illumination" is like a rock. The book "Community" is like a ship before the tempest, when each sail and each rope comes to life.

New Era Community, 99.

     It may be asked in what relation Our Teaching stands to the one already given by Us through Blavatsky. Answer that each century, after the manifestation of a detailed exposition, a conclusive culmination is given, which actually moves the world, along the line of humanness. Thus, Our Teaching includes the "Secret Doctrine" of Blavatsky. Similarly, Christianity was the culmination of the world wisdom of the classic epoch, and the Commandments of Moses were the culmination of that of ancient Egypt and Babylon. However, the significance of the ramiform Teachings must be understood. It is hoped that people not only read Our books but accept them without delay, for I speak briefly of that which must be remembered. When I speak of the need of fulfilling My Indications, I ask you to fulfill them with complete precision. I can see more clearly, and you must learn to follow the Indication, which has in view your own good.

Fiery World I, 79.

     And still another question secretly troubles certain people. They want to know whether the Teaching hinders the reading of the Sacred Books? There is no need for concern. We especially advise the attentive reading of these Books of the Covenants. … But one thing is amazing—that those who question Us about the Sacred Books find no time to read them despite Our advice. He who is aflame in heart will not tarry because of an unsolved question.

Fiery World I, 360.

     The New Teaching respects the Bearers of the earlier Covenants, but it proceeds without the baggage of times which have been ended. Otherwise the load of text-books would take on unwieldy dimensions.

New Era Community, 40.

     Of course, read books, for one should know the paths of former thoughts, but for the future provide yourself with the lamp of Agni.

Fiery World I, 376.

     Remember the advice that the book of the Teaching should lie at the crossroads. Be not tormented as to whence will come the wayfarers, whence will come the friends who have a presentiment of cognition. Be not distressed by those passing by; they may attract someone without knowing it. They may be indignant, and their cries will attract many. But let us not enumerate the inscrutable paths. They cannot be revealed, yet the heart knows them.

AUM, 450.