Selections from the Agni Yoga Series

Presented before the Agni Yoga Society, March 8, 2016

     1. The principle of attraction is based upon the Cosmic Magnet. The cohesion of parts and their separation are subject to the very same law of attraction and to the principle of cosmic magnetism. When the process of separation begins to predominate, the power of the Magnet then predetermines a new combination. All prophecies regarding the falling apart or the uniting of states are based upon a decrease or increase of the Cosmic magnetism. The luminaries, while passing through spheres of varying spatial vistas, attract or repel kindred elements. Unlimited power lies at the root of every combination effected by the Cosmic Magnet. Infinity I, 124.

     2. The consciousness of the creative principle lends consciousness to the entire constructiveness in Cosmos. When the cosmic seed is gathered, the consciousness of the creative principle is made manifest. The compound of the striving seed gathers always in such a way that the impulse shows the quality of striving toward conscious creativeness. The creative impulse always corresponds to the law of attraction. The Spatial Fire generates its seeds. Humanity generates its seeds in each intent. The growth of consciousness will propel humanity toward creativeness with Cosmos and will tense all spiritual levers. When the consciousness of the seed acts against the affirmed Magnet, different currents are manifested. When construction is directed in line with the creative impulse, evolution may be discerned. Hence, the earthly ties must be constructed most solicitously.
     The seeds determined by Cosmos bestow consciousness on all energies. The seeds sown by humanity are impregnating the course of the Cosmic Magnet. Infinity I, 355.

     3. A good deal is now known about the thread that connects the physical and subtle bodies during the projection of the latter. Likewise, clear awareness should be revived of the silvery thread that connects one with the Hierarchy. People should not imagine it to be something abstract, for it exists just like a tornado in which heaven and earth have been joined. Given its spiral structure, the very formation of the silvery thread resembles that of a tornado. Once the energy of the heart swells up with love and devotion, the luminous spiral will whirl out into space and, naturally, will encounter the Teacher’s ray due to the law of attraction. You should get used to seeing and sensing this light-bearing link that burns hot and bright amidst the whirlwinds of space. Since many people have never even seen tornados, what has been said will just seem to them like empty sound. But let them begin to think more deeply, starting with the crudest and most obvious manifestations and then imagining Infinity, where anything is possible, where no rational thinking is capable of exhausting the totality of Being. Heart, 250.

     4. Today is a good day for good thoughts. If thought contains creative energy, how useful it is to send a good thought out into space. Once humanity agrees to send forth good thoughts simultaneously, the infected atmosphere of the lower spheres will clear up right away. Even if it is only a few times a day, you should make a point of sending forth thoughts not about yourself but about the world. In this way you will get used to aspiration that is free of selfish motivation. Just as humanity’s Savior thinks only of the entire world, in emulation of Him we can make use of our thoughts for the development of creative energy. You should not regard the transmission of thought as some sort of supernatural activity. Rather, let it be the food of the spirit, just as fuel is food for a fire during the night. Also, you should simply follow the higher example. The heart will act as a trustworthy timepiece that calls one to thought about everyone and everything. There is no need to sit in tiring meditations; thought about the world is short and reflects the renunciation of self so simply. May good things come to the world! Heart, 300.

     5. Cosmic vibrations direct energies into action. If man would accustom himself to harkening to the cosmic vibrations, he would discover many spatial manifestations. A cosmic vortex, which propels energies through powerful agitations, may be compared with a strong magnet the power of which creates through various actions. Energies which are gathered by a saturated vortex are distributed according to the poles of attraction. The width of application of this law of attraction to the various assignments of man in all the Worlds is immeasurable. Just as man is attracted to certain kindred on Earth, in the spiritual world he is attracted by a vortex created by his own actions. It is difficult to free oneself from a Cosmic vortex, therefore it is needful to direct the human consciousness to the inexorable laws. Mastery of Karma and of the laws of life requires true understanding of the Cosmic Vortex. Space consists of these vibrations, eternally moving in the spiral of the vortex. Fiery World III, 151.

     6. Death is no more than the shearing of the hair, for in the same way is matter cast off. The question of Guides is answered by the familiar law of attraction and repulsion. The principle of requitement and assistance is a powerful one in the spiritual world. Therefore, every appeal of an embodied spirit evokes a response. It depends upon who asks. One can attract and keep near oneself lofty forces. Also, the lowest spirits may be fastened about oneself. One receives what one wishes. When men understand the usefulness of pure giving, they will receive riches.
     The spirit is a light of the beauty of the stars. But few spirits blend with light; more of them are in astral bodies. Better to glow as a star, retaining knowledge and the possibility of returning to the planets to help. One may choose a better destiny--are the possibilities of the giving one not evident?
     One may strive upwards toward light, seeking to render assistance; then there is no parting. If those who remain would consider the departed as having been sent to light and for enlightenment, then the communion would be more sound. The loftier the spirit, the more he beholds--it depends upon the development of the spirit. A lofty spirit feels whither to strive--it flies as an arrow. But a dark one hovers behind the stove. Therefore, precious is the bold desire to seek, because he who seeks finds. If the desires of the spirit are lofty it can discover lofty forms, and in creating them it can contribute to perfectionment. Illumination, II:II:4.

     7. The liberated spirit always aspires into the higher spheres, but the spirit attached to Earth remains for a long time enchained in the lower strata of the Astral World. The bond between the physical body and the astral is not easily broken during earthly consciousness. The occurrence of a rupture between the bodies recoils painfully on those spirits which manifest earthly attractions. During ascent of the spirit, of course, the liberation is affirmed at the point of breaking away from the Earth. The cosmic law of attraction stands behind this attachment which is intensified by the energy of the consciousness. Let us imagine a sphere filled with the gases of base desires. Such spheres do engulf spirits which have not as yet been liberated from earthly burdens. The spirit impelled to the Fiery World manifests its own attraction by pressing itself upon all fiery energies. On the path to the Fiery World, saturation of the consciousness by the Higher World produces its spiral which draws the spirit away into the Higher Spheres. Fiery World III, 296.

     8. When the spirit strives to an intense creativity, it communes with the source manifested by the Cosmic Magnet. When the consciousness is accustomed to flights into the higher spheres it assimilates multifold vital impulses. When the spirit is impelled by the law of attraction a current is set that is in communication with the Spatial Fire. Thus, the spirit of an Agni Yogi is strained by the consciousness of Fire. Infinity II, 240.

     9. The power that unites those who are spiritually aspiring is determined by the Cosmic Magnet. In the cosmic law there exists the manifestation of creativeness which has an established arc of ascent upon which the spirit strives. The law of attraction acts upon the entire cosmic affirmation; therefore, in the higher tension of the fire of spirit, one may act only in ascent. Beautiful is the law! Infinity I, 367.

     10. The thought of obedience to a Teacher is foreign to humanity. But how can a spirit not succeed when the Teacher is the Leading Beacon? How can the disciple lose his fire when the Teacher is the kindler of all fires? How can the Shield of the Teacher be an obstacle to the disciple when it is the Teacher who impels his fiery striving? In the consciousness of humanity lives a germinal desire to strive for a common work that leads all forward, in unity. But humanity must learn independent action, and must implement the affirmed thoughts of the Teacher. Thus does human evolution achieve harmony with Cosmic Reason. Humanity must learn to create by the higher way.
     Truly, emulation of the Teacher is the taking of the Image of the Teacher into one's heart. Agni Yoga, 653.

     11. Urusvati knows that one approaches the Supermundane World not so much through reason as through love. Great is the magnetic power of the feeling of love, but, regrettably, science does not know the true significance of this magnet. A loving man responds to the cosmic law of attraction, and thus receives special qualities which are characteristic of this law.
     It is possible to sharpen one’s insight and be imbued with valor, to become ready for podvig. Even one’s health is improved when the mind and heart are turned toward exalted thinking.
     It is incorrect to assume that people who are subject to so-called hysteria can more easily commune with the Supermundane World. They do tend to mediumship, but We desire another approach, wholesome and goalfitting. The perfect path will be love for the Supermundane World.
     It is impossible without love to gain knowledge of the Supermundane. It is impossible to approach only through reading. An intensified will is needed, but this will can be developed only through love.
     Also, We advise you not to separate yourself from earthly life, for this life is given to us as our field of battle. One can test oneself only in life, and all such tests will be beautiful if they are under a dome of love for the Supermundane World.
     Children should become accustomed to a recognition of the Supermundane World from their early years. Thoughts about higher manifestations should be engendered in the mind of the child. The most ordinary person can have this sacred treasure, and cherish these hours of exaltation.
     The Thinker advised His disciples to learn to love their reveries about the Higher World, when their consciousness is renewed. Supermundane IV, 736.