Presented before the Agni Yoga Society, April 19, 2016

Those who attempt to study the Teaching of the Living Ethics, inevitably face the question: “What does the term «teaching» mean, this term that is constantly used in the Agni Yoga series and in Helena Roerich’s letters?” Therefore it seems only appropriate to re-examine this important subject.

Analysis of the use of the term in these sources reveals three meanings which seem the most important, if we wish to properly understand.

1) The concept of Teaching is used in four different ways, which are each clearly recognizable from the context. First, it is the Ocean of Teaching, or the Unified Teaching of Light – the universal flow of information, according to which the entire Universe and all history are structured, and which can be perceived and expressed through human language by some individuals. Secondly, it refers to particular spiritual teachings, throughout history, received from the universal and eternal Unified Teaching by exceptional human beings. Thirdly, it is the Teaching of Living Ethics per se, received by Nicholas and Helena Roerich. And fourthly – theories expanding on different fundamental concepts and phenomena, such as Heart, Infinity, Reincarnation, etc.

2) The lore of the Teaching of Living Ethics, according to H. Roerich herself, includes also The Secret Doctrine by H.P.B., The Mahatma Letters, and all sacred books of the East (primarily sources of Vedanta and Buddhism).

3) The Unified Teaching of Light can be perceived by people directly, and constitutes the goal for everyone who follows the path of yoga.

Let us see what the books of Agni Yoga, the letters of Helena Roerich and some other primary sources, which she herself indicated, have to say on this subject.

What is the Unified Teaching of Light, or the Ocean of the Teaching?

Invisible teaching proceeds unceasingly. (Illumination, 70)

Wherein lies the strength of Our experiments? In the solar consciousness, being poured out as prana. Above the stratum of earthly thoughts stream the currents of the sun's wisdom, and in these regions begins the great preordained Teaching. We summon to the encompassment of the Universe. But only the instrument of consciousness will permit the new experiments of the blending of spirit and matter. (Illumination, 105)

The Sources of the Teaching are beyond human limits. The Truth has been written down in Infinity, but each day it reveals a new hieroglyph of its eternalness. … The loftiest sage considers himself a messenger. Not the new is proclaimed, but what is needed for the hour. (Brotherhood, 283)

At all times the Teaching of Life is being poured forth upon the Earth without interruption. It is impossible to imagine earthly existence without this link to the Invisible World. As an anchor of salvation and a guiding light, the Teaching strengthens one’s advance through the darkness. But amidst the unceasing shower of Grace, one can notice a rhythm like the swelling of the ocean’s waves, in which a special expansion distinctly appears; it is then that the Teachings manifest. In this way you can explain the rhythm of the entire world as one of expansion and submersion; in other words, you can outline the evolution of Being. (Heart, 17)

Which are those particular Teachings?

The books of the Teaching, which, of course, include all the pearls of the East as well as The Secret Doctrine and The Mahatma Letters, give real food to the spirit and mind… (Letters of Helena Roerich I, January 27, 1933)

The Sacred Teaching cannot become congealed at one level. Truth is one, but each century, and even each decade, contacts it in its own way. New scrolls are unrolled and the human consciousness observes in a new way the manifestations of the Universe. (Brotherhood, 188)

All the highest and noblest philosophies and religions issue from the one Great Source, and the Great Minds who brought Light and gave the impulse to the begetting of thought before the dawn of our humanity have continued to give it during the whole slow process of the evolution of human consciousness. (Letters of Helena Roerich I, December 6, 1934)

It is time to turn to the Teachings of the East, and to the Minds that gave these Teachings. It is time to accept these Minds as our Teachers. (Letters of Helena Roerich I, February 1, 1935)

In her letters Helena Roerich constantly uses phrases such as: «Teachings of the East, as well as the Teaching of Living Ethics say ……»; «In the eastern teachings and books of Living Ethics …..» – This indicates that HR does not singularize the Agni Yoga books from the treasury of the primary sources of the East.

The Great Brotherhood is constantly working for the General Good of the whole world and, therefore, uses widely every possibility to reach through with their salutary Teaching…

How to perceive the Unified Teaching of Light?

Knowledge comes in visions, first in dreams and then in pictures presented to the inner eye during meditation. Thus have I been taught the whole system of evolution, the laws of being and all else that I know – the mysteries of life and death, the workings of karma. Not a word was spoken to me of all this in the ordinary way, except, perhaps, by way of confirmation of what was thus given me – nothing taught me in writing. And knowledge so obtained is so clear, so convincing, so indelible in the impression it makes upon the mind, that all other sources of information, all other methods of teaching with which we are familiar dwindle into insignificance in comparison with this. One of the reasons why I hesitate to answer offhand some questions put to me is the difficulty of expressing in sufficiently accurate language things given to me in pictures, and comprehended by me by the pure Reason, as Kant would call it.

Theirs is a synthetic method of teaching: the most general outlines are given first, then an insight into the method of working, next the broad principles and notions are brought into view, and lastly begins the revelation of the minuter points. (H.P. Blavatsky, Collected Writings, vol. 13, p. 285)

The spirit of reason bestows knowledge upon the seekers of Truth. It is enough to follow the path of spirit-realization – the rest will come. (The Call, 61)

It is asked how to approach the Teaching. Indeed, for this it is necessary to regenerate the consciousness, and the consciousness is reborn after having the Teaching. At the start it is necessary to discover and cleanse the consciousness. Opening of the consciousness is accomplished instantly—by one stroke of the will. Have the desire to open up your consciousness! (New Era Community, 124)

Each one must find the key to the Teaching in his heart. Understanding of the universal Teaching can unfold the creativeness of the spirit. (Infinity I, 60)

The Teaching stays with those who strive toward it. (Letters of Helena Roerich I, Sept. 10, 1934)

But we may be asked how the true knowledge is to be reached. We shall reply, "This knowledge exists in your spirit, in your heart. Be able to awaken it!" (Letters of Helena Roerich I, October 7, 1930)

I entrust the Teaching to each one who lives in all the worlds. Do not consider such a definition inapplicable. Man actually lives in all the worlds. Each day he visits the worlds, but he cannot be conscious of these momentary absences. Only a few apprehend the sensation of being absent. No extended time is required for the spirit, which exists outside of time. Such sensations are quite characteristic for developed consciousnesses. (Aum, 334)

Why is the Agni Yoga Teaching called the Teaching of Living Ethics?

One will ask why the Teaching has no completed tenets. Answer that because in completeness there is death. (Illumination, 173)

[It behooves us to] replace abstract ethics with the Teaching of Life. (Heart, 155)

The complete Teaching must not be, and cannot be given. No book can contain the entirety of life, and it is not the purpose of the Teaching to turn students into wind-up mechanical robots. Truly, no Teacher has left a final and complete exposition of the Teaching. This would contradict the principle of Infinity and would assume limitation in the consciousness of the followers. (Agni Yoga, 468)

He who adheres to the Teaching of Infinity gains freedom of action first of all. (Hierarchy, 29)

All the Eastern Teachings, as well as that of the Living Ethics, instruct us to develop our straight-knowledge by all means, otherwise there can be no progress. Indeed, Higher Leadership lies not in constant commands, but in hints, in solicitous leading of the consciousness toward the given milestones so that nothing violates the independent achievement, which alone has value. (Letters of Helena Roerich, Vol. II, April 17, 1936)

The inner man and the sphere of thought

Usually, any teaching that leads to a source of reality is called dreams by people. (Agni Yoga, 22)

People could elevate their earthly life into the Supermundane simply by basing their existence on thought. Our Teaching could properly be called The Proclamation of Thought. (Supermundane, 483)

The Great Plato said: “Thoughts rule the world”. And modern scientists, as for instance Professor Compton, have expressed the probability of an active, rational force in every phenomenon of nature, and of the influence of thought upon matter. He concludes with the following remarkable words: “Possibly the thoughts of men are the most important factors in the world”. (Letters of Helena Roerich I, 1929)

…only the transformation of the inner man. All the Teachings of Light deal solely with the inner man, whose sphere is the realm of thought and heart. (Letters of Helena Roerich II, November 4, 1935)

Some important guidelines for students of the Teaching

How is it possible to ascertain the verity of the Teaching? A multitude of good words may cover up something mediocre; but Truth, we know, does not fear examination. On the contrary, when observed, Truth draws nearer and shines forth. Therefore, each investigator of the Teaching may be advised, "Approach with all force; observe by thorough measures; investigate by all methods; cognize with all daring; reveal indefatigability, and be aflame with each discovery of Truth." … One should not believe only in assertions. … The Teaching is infinite, otherwise the very concept of Infinity would not exist. One should strive toward Truth. … It is then good to remind the conceited one about the grandeur of Infinity, of the millions of years of life on Earth, of the billions of worlds. (Fiery World I, 433)

The student who is not afraid to continually reassess the foundations of the Teaching for the purpose of refining his knowledge is on the right path. The one who is not afraid to be misunderstood by others is with Us. The one who is unafraid to build links among the great currents of the teachings is Our friend. The one who is not afraid to see the light has an eagle's eye. The one who is not afraid to enter the fire is of fiery birth. The one who is not afraid of what he cannot see can pierce the darkness. (Agni Yoga, 481)