The Masters

Selections from the Agni Yoga Series

Presented before the Agni Yoga Society, October 2, 2018

1. Urusvati knows the Tower of Chun, and remembers how the exterior of the Tower resembles a natural cliff. It is not difficult to prevent access to this Tower. A small landslide can conceal the structure from those below. A small dam can change a mountain stream into a lake, and in time of dire need the entire district can be immediately transformed. People may smile, thinking that organized expeditions could sooner or later penetrate into all the passes. But even before the physical transformation of the area, the power of thought would already have diverted the caravan! In addition, chemical effects can be utilized to prevent the approach of the curious. Thus do We guard the Brotherhood.

Even the most advanced aircraft cannot discover Our Abode. Hermits living in nearby caves are watchful guards. Travelers sometimes speak of having met a sadhu who persistently advised them to follow a specified path and warned them of the danger of proceeding into certain other areas. The sadhu himself had never gone farther, and had been instructed not to provide directions. The sadhus know about the Forbidden Place and know how to guard the secret. Sometimes they may be highwaymen, yet even highwaymen can be trusted guards of a sacred mystery. One should not doubt the existence of an inviolable Abode.

Urusvati remembers the appearance of the passages that lead to Us, and also remembers the light from Our Tower. Many details of these paths are remembered by Our Sister Urusvati. These landmarks are unforgettable and give courage to all, on all paths. She has seen Our co-workers gathering useful plants, and has also seen Our repositories, buried deep. One should see these archives of knowledge to comprehend the work of Our Abode. One should hear Our singing in order to understand the life of Our Ashram.

Thus, We shall speak about Our life and labors.

Supermundane, 1

2. Urusvati has seen many of Our apparatuses. In appearance they do not differ much from those in use elsewhere. However, the way they are used is different, for psychic energy is applied. It has long been known that some apparatuses will operate only in the presence of a particular person, and now there are even people whose organisms can substitute for entire complicated apparatuses. Man is growing accustomed to his inner forces.

We long ago accepted the principle that each apparatus can be made more powerful by man himself. One can achieve a transformation of one’s entire life simply by the realization of the Primary Energy. Over the centuries We have become accustomed to the idea that a concentration of energy can be directed to any domain. Energy, like lightning, unites accumulated forces in its discharge. So-called magical phenomena are based on the same principle. In reality, the term “magical” can only mislead. Any electrical apparatus can be called magical. When Urusvati performed levitation or the moving of objects, it was done not through magic but simply by not impeding the energy. The manifested energy was accepted and then projected. It was united with the cosmic energy, and thus could act.

Our mirrors cannot be called magical. They simply increase the effectiveness of Our energy. Many appliances can be found that make energy more effective. Strong magnets could hardly be called magical, even though their action is remarkable. The subtle body and all experiments connected with it belong to science, not to magic. Thus, one should abolish the superstitious use of the confusing term “magical.”

Man has always been afraid of anything mysterious, forgetting that the key to the mystery is within himself. One must free oneself from all impeding conditions or circumstances, which are different for everyone. Progress depends upon free will that is directed toward good. The power of good compels even machines to act not for themselves, but for humanity. Thus, Our apparatuses function with Our collaboration.

People may laugh, but ideas do rule the world. These words are entered into the Statutes of the Brotherhood.

Supermundane, 2

3. Urusvati has seen some of Our repositories. Objects of art are collected according to eras, but the collections do not constitute a museum as it is usually understood. These objects serve as a reservoir of accumulated auras, and the creative emanations of their former owners remain in them much longer than one might suppose. If one could gather a collection of objects created at the same time and with the same striving, one would truly see the radiations of their eras. We can study in this way the true meaning of a particular era. Such a possibility is exceedingly important for the psychic sciences. Some of Our Brothers are the former owners of objects in Our repository. Sometimes an object is sent into the world to carry out a certain task. For example, it may be buried in some place as a magnet.

Let the ignorant deride the repositories of the Brotherhood. Let the egoism of ignorance regard Our repositories as the treasures of misers. In truth, each object is for Us a useful apparatus, and can be used for important observations. It is especially valuable to observe the relationship of ancient auras to later emanations. Sometimes a total opposition between objects, or a mutual sympathy between them, can be observed. In Our many experiments with ancient objects, We observe not only with spiritual vision but also verify by the use of Our apparatuses. This is not so-called psychometry, but a science of radiations. Just as you can observe the usefulness of fruits and plants, We can study the language of objects by their radiations. One can thus observe that few religious artifacts have beautiful radiations, for they were too often created with self-interest, and then fell into even more mercenary hands.

Equally instructive is Our collection of inventions. The psychic energy with which an invention is invested puts its seal upon it; it permeates all inventions with harmful or beneficial effects. Let the hands of inventors be pure!

We watch inventors with great attention. We sometimes rejoice, but more often grieve. Our Tower is open to all that is new, and it is a special joy when the thought that is sent by Us has been accepted by a worthy worker.

Supermundane, 3

4. Urusvati knows how difficult is the transference of thought over a distance. Many conditions may affect it. Man is either like a boiling kettle or a radiant discus thrower, propelling thought into space. One should not only control oneself, but should also foresee the chemical reactions that in their contradiction may interfere with a strong will.

We are often reproached about why at times We interrupt Our sendings of thought. Our earthly friends do not realize that during such intervals We guard not Ourselves, but them. We know how to sense spatial tension and protect Our friends who are in an earthly state.

Do not think that superficial methods will produce complete results. The most essential is in the depths of one’s consciousness. An impure servitor cannot perform a pure action, and the most sanctioned ritual cannot free him from impure thinking. Thus, many err, supposing that outward rituals will compensate for inner abominations.

The thoughts of the Teacher must overcome many hindrances in space. I affirm that each action must be coordinated with the thoughts of the Teacher; such help is true collaboration.

We have apparatuses that assist the transference of thought over a distance. People would be astonished to see that certain apparatuses that are familiar to them are here applied quite differently. The application of psychic energy can transform the simplest of motors.

Supermundane, 4

5. Urusvati has seen Us in both the dense and the subtle bodies. Only those few who have had this experience can know the tension that accompanies it. Often We make it possible to see only Our faces or hands, in order to prevent shock. Thus you may remember the Writing Hand, but even this manifestation was too strong, because the vibrations could not be restrained. One must be all the more cautious.

Not without reason do We speak constantly about caution. People simply do not understand the significance of this attitude. How many perilous illnesses are caused by the lack of reciprocal caution between individuals! It is most necessary when there is a great disparity of vibrations. Vigilance and mutual care are then required in order not to cause harm.

During Our earthly trips We sometimes transmit Our instructions through a third person who does not know the true meaning of the commission and is only performing his duty.

The manifestation of Our Shield also requires precautionary measures. It is difficult to understand the need for such care. People cannot take into account all the reasons that compel Us to be so cautious, and in their ignorance they wish to experience the strongest manifestations without thinking of the consequences.

Likewise, people do not want to understand the difference between the power of Our vibrations and those of an ordinary subtle body. Sometimes they have seen materializations without experiencing strong shocks, but Our vibrations are of a different intensity. All is relative, and one should give serious attention to rhythm and vibration.

Today you spoke about the fear experienced by plants. If sensitivity to vibrations is strongly developed in plants, it must be immeasurably stronger in people.

Let us bear in mind that Our vibrations will never be forgotten by those who have experienced them, for in them there is joy, but also an intensity that not every heart can endure.

Supermundane, 5

6. Urusvati has witnessed the healing vibrations sent by Us. Their rhythms are varied and not everyone can recognize them. Some may suppose them to be the effect of an earthquake, others may assume that they are an attack of fever, and still others may attribute them to their own nervousness. But the majority will think them to be merely imagined. However, on all continents Our healing solicitude is often felt. People receive help and sense a sudden recovery but do not understand whence came the help. We are not speaking about gratitude, for We do not need it, but a conscious acceptance of Our help increases the beneficial effect. Each negative reaction or mockery paralyzes even the strongest vibrations. We hasten to help, We hasten to bring good, yet how often are We accepted?

The ignorant assert that We provoke revolutions and sedition, but actually We have tried many times to prevent murder and destruction. Brother Rakoczy himself fulfilled the highest measure of love for humanity and was rejected by those whom He tried to save. His actions were recorded in well-known extant memoirs, but still certain liars call him the father of the French Revolution.

People likewise do not understand Our appeal to Queen Victoria, yet history has shown how right We were. Our warning was rejected; nevertheless, it is Our duty to warn the nations. Similarly, Our warning to the northern country was not understood. Eventually, people will recall and compare the facts. One can mention events from the history of various countries—recall Napoleon, the appearance of the Advisor to the American Constitutional Convention, the manifestation in Sweden, and the Indication given to Spain.

Remember that ten years ago the ruin of Spain was foretold. The sign of salvation had been given, but, as usual, it was not accepted. We hasten to send help everywhere and rejoice when it is accepted. We sorrow to see what destiny nations prepare for themselves.

Supermundane, 6

7. Urusvati knows Our Voices, both spoken and silent. One may wonder about the differences in transmission; there are many reasons, beyond earthly conditions, for these differences.

We often instruct that unity be preserved. Such an Indication is not merely a simple moral teaching—disunity is the most abhorrent dissonance. Nothing strikes space as sharply as dissonance. When people are filled with malicious discord, damaging disruptions in space result immediately. Such people not only harm themselves they also create a spatial karma involving others like them. It is dreadful to battle with such newly-generated chaos.

People who bring discord are truly creators of chaos and the consequences of their malicious abuse are grievous. We are constantly forced to battle with them, and it is not surprising that this battle is often more difficult than a collision of spatial currents. Wherever one must deal with the free will of man a great waste of energy should be expected. The power of free will is great, equivalent to the most powerful energies, and in their malice, people can bring about the destruction of strata of the Subtle World. How much the efforts of experienced Physicians are needed to close these spatial wounds!

We must work for unity, not by hymns and harps, but by labor and struggle. Few will strive to Our Brotherhood when they learn about the sweat of Our labor.

Supermundane, 7

8. Urusvati has seen the drops of Our sweat, and knows how painful is the condition caused by spatial tension, without which the work over great distances would not be possible. Every act of cooperation helps. We speak about cooperation not only as a moral precept, but also as a formula that will provide new possibilities for successful labor.

If people only realized in what visible and invisible ways they can collaborate! If people only realized how much they can increase their strength by cooperating with the Brotherhood! If they at least thought about cooperation, which can be manifested in every moment! But people not only do not approach the Brotherhood in thought, they even consider thought about the Brotherhood foolish. Everyone can apply his strength at each moment; one need only understand that in Our mountains ceaseless labor continues for help to humanity. One such thought alone creates a flow of energy, and advances the consciousness toward service for humanity. It whispers that love for humanity is possible, but earthly conditions often make it difficult to imagine the possibility of such love. Let thought about the existence of the Brotherhood help to open hearts. Then cooperation will be revealed, not as a duty, but as joy, and the drops of sweat and sacred pains will bring the Crown of Enlightenment. Let us not take these words as an abstraction, for such denial will close the best receptacle—the heart. Each drop of sweat from labor, each pain for humanity, lives in the heart.

Glory to the all-embracing heart.

Supermundane, 8

9. Urusvati takes to heart all that happens in the world. All actions can be divided into the heartfelt and the heartless. Humanity should remember this distinction, especially now. Heartfelt perceptions, even with many differences, can be united, but heartlessness is the unity of the dark forces, and among them you will not find co-workers of the Brotherhood. If We recall all the past lives of Our Brothers, We will not find even one heartless action. The action of the flaming heart led them to the stake, to the cross, and to all the tortures invented by the malicious and the ignorant.

We do not shun life. When We manifest Ourselves We cannot be distinguished from other people. You yourselves can testify that when Djwal Khul came to welcome you He appeared no different from the other Lamas. Urusvati immediately sensed something unusual, but this feeling could have been caused similarly by the head of the monastery. Thus, outwardly, all Brothers and co-workers bear the usual earthly appearance. But even with such a conventional appearance their heartfelt warmth will shine in every glance and smile. One can call this quality of heartiness by another, more scientific name, but We wish to affirm the most human aspect of Our Abode.

In books one can find some of Our names. They are very solemn ones. One can read about Manu, or about the Bodhisattvas. Remember that some nations are in need of lofty designations, but We are simply Servitors of Light and We revere Hierarchy. Our first call is for perfectment, not for titles or high rank. As it pertains to Hierarchy, this expression “titles and high rank” should not be understood in the earthly sense, in which people express their love for all kinds of ranks and distinctions. We serve the infinite Hierarchy. We accept leadership, not as a distinction, but as an immutable necessity. Such responsibility should be the foundation of all human communities. We do not attach importance to titles, for during Our many different lives We have had a great number of distinctions and titles in different languages. Many of these titles have been completely erased from human memory. Who can name the resplendent rulers of Atlantis? Only amidst the marshes of Tsaidam can one see the radiant images of former cities. Urusvati remembers the structures there, and the sculpture of the Great Bull.

Remember that during the progression of Our lives We have preserved the memory of the greatest events and recorded them in the repositories of the Brotherhood. Let those who wish to have an idea of Our Inner Life assimilate the many details that form the Statutes of Our Abode.

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10. Urusvati knows that while each one of Us was striving to the Supermundane, He never disregarded the earthly. Can one neglect this Earth, which nourishes mankind and where the attainment of perfection takes place? Man understands the value of Earth, but often expresses it wrongly.

Each one of Us labors for Earth, but even those of Us who prefer monastic ways do not sentence themselves to a hermit’s life. They continue creating and offer labor for the benefit of mankind. They never weigh themselves down with gold. They commune with laymen and are known as peacemakers and builders.

However, we do not condemn hermits, who bring great help by the power of their thought. We see how these spiritual toilers are able to command the psychic forces. They purify their spiritual essence to such an extent that they are in advance of the rest of humanity. But Our work is devoted to more direct ways of help to people.

Our Inner Life can be expressed simply: We help. This labor is most difficult because people reject Our help in so many ways. They beg for it, but when it begins to take shape, they not only do not offer assistance, but, as it were, take up arms against it!

Many a time We have asked people not to oppose Our help. But they judge in their own way, and every higher concept is seen as a threat. Thus, We do not often receive cooperation, though it is of great urgency, for Earth desperately needs extraordinary efforts by human hands and feet. Thus the Supermundane compels one to think about the earthly.

The Thinker was a great philosopher, but he required His disciples to be active participants in the life of the nation.

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11. Urusvati understands correctly the reason for Our long-unchanging features. Relations with the Subtle World impose a special quality that belongs to the Subtle World. There one’s appearance does not change except when there is a special desire for it. Thought creates form in the Subtle World. One can call forth any image chosen from the depths of centuries and fix it in the imagination, if the imagination is developed enough. Added to these conditions of the Subtle World is the unity that is strongly manifested in Our Abode. This helps in all details of daily life. It creates a salutary atmosphere and forges a fiery consciousness.

You have heard that Our Brothers became ill from contact with earthly disharmony, and often suffered from prolonged human discord. This is why We seldom visit your cities, and stay in them for only a short time. Our appearances are prompted by particular circumstances and are not of long duration. Places can be found in nature where the currents of decay are not as strong. In France and in England there are forests near the cities in which there is enough of the pure air that is indispensable to Us. You must not be surprised that even Our concentrated energy needs pure air. However, you must not think that We are not strong enough to withstand the emanations of crowds. Truly, We can concentrate Our energy to a tremendous degree, but co-measurement and caution must be maintained in everything.

You have read how oppressive the aura of some landholders was for Our Brother. Of course, He had the ability to repel them with one discharge of His energy, but such murder was not part of His task. Thus, in many cases, We must co-measure in directing the Ray for the highest benefit. Such co-measurement will define the purpose of Our Brotherhood. To hold back the onslaught of darkness, to protect those who have exhausted their strength, and to apply all possible remedies for the General Good will be the fulfillment of Our Statutes.

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12. Urusvati knows the difference between a podvig–a fiery achievement–and a prudent act. A podvig is beautiful, majestic, solemn, wise, and awe-inspiring. It can never be described as prudent.

When Joan of Arc addressed the elders of her village and spoke about podvig, they found her imprudent, and even reckless. Of course, a podvig is reckless, for it is performed not out of deliberation, but out of straight-knowledge. There are many for whom the idea of podvig simply does not exist. For them, prudence is the highest ethical level. Their entire world outlook is defined by prudence. For the sake of it they would refuse help to their fellow man, they would be willing to betray their country, even to bring harm to humanity, and they are ready to justify all their crimes by repeating this dead word–prudence. Do not interpret Our attitude toward prudence falsely. This word is based on good concepts; goodness is always good and a wise understanding is always useful. But the worldly misinterpreters manage to turn good ideas into shameful ways. If they could, they would eliminate the word podvig, which is so completely against their mentality.

Teachers must teach the differences between concepts, otherwise their pupils will repeat ideas senselessly, like parrots. The polluting of human speech is a public crime.

Here is one more page of Our Inner Life. We can confirm that each of Us performed acts of podvig, some of which were noted by historians, though most of them went unnoticed. One should not burden one’s memory in thinking about one’s own successful acts of podvig. But excessive prudence is not for Us. We may recommend caution and a careful weighing of possibilities, but if a fiery act of podvig is profound in its significance, the more We shall rejoice. We note every act of podvig, for it forges new evolutionary links.

The Thinker said, “Leave prudence to the shopkeepers, love the daring of the heroes.”

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13. When people leave they feel one of two ways: either that they have lived long in this place, which means that their aura had become attached to objects, or that everything has come to an end around them, which means that their aura is surging in aspiration.

It is very important to distinguish these two kinds of people. Often by an external sign one can form an opinion about the fundamental category.

Who then are My people? Those who do not feel any place to be their home; those who do not attach any value to objects; who love to ascend mountains; who love the singing of birds; who value the air of the morning hour; who value action more than time; who understand flowers; who display fearlessness without noticing it; who abhor gossip; who esteem the manifestation of the joy of beauty; who understand the life beyond the limits of the visible; who feel when one can partake of Amrita; who hasten to fulfill the prophecy. These, My people, can use My Power.

As King in the Land of whirlwinds, I can send them a drop of dew from the tree Elgario, which reveals the life of the future.

Illumination, 288

14. Urusvati knows how unexpectedly great manifestations can occur. Thus, she has seen the strata of the Subtle World, not in her subtle body, but in the physical one, with open eyes and fully awake. She has seen the crowding in the Subtle World, and was astonished at the crowds that roamed idly with no work to do. True, she was shown that stratum of the Subtle World which especially concerns Us. In it were seen the contemporary clothes that reinforce an earthly way of thinking, and people crowded together as in the square of any modern town. We are greatly saddened that such crowds are the least accessible for evolution.

It can be observed that their thinking is so egocentric that they cannot see beyond their own crowded and motionless circle. They contaminate each other and, as on Earth, fail to look up. Urusvati can attest to how densely crowded these strata are.

Supermundane, 82

15. As long as people are preoccupied with magic and sorcerers, they are not with Us. The heart alone is needed for the Abode. A beautiful heart will always suffer on Earth, but the suffering heart becomes trustworthy.

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