Selections from the Agni Yoga Series

Presented before the Agni Yoga Society, December 16, 2008

1. Courageous seekers of Agni Yoga face the inevitable pains caused by conflagration of the centers, and also suffer a painful sensitivity to all injustices. But what do these dangers mean compared with the realization of the true liberating path! Agni Yoga, 169.

2. The law of justice provides the possibility of arresting the development of harm; as above, so below. One cannot avert the inception of criminal thoughts, but the heart can prompt one as to where the persecution of evil is already possible. Hence we insist so greatly upon the Teaching of the Heart. Heart, 545.

3. He who sows will reap. Nothing can alter the law of justice. It can be applied in non-earthly measures, but the sowing will have to be lived down according to the strength of consciousness. Fiery World II, 348.

4. Justice, even under unfavorable conditions, nevertheless indicates a just discernment... It is difficult to evaluate an individual over and above all conventionalities, but devotion to Service will open one's eyes and enable one to perceive very clearly the seed of the spirit. Thus the Higher World, and it alone, will bestow the higher judgment. AUM, 116.

5. Can lawyers and judges administer earthly law if they have no concept of the laws of the Universe? How can they establish earthly law without thinking of universal justice?...It is necessary to understand the interaction of the earthly world and the Subtle World in order to acquire the right to judge people's conduct... Without a clear picture of the evolutionary situation the court will err. Verily, the judge takes upon himself a great responsibility if he is to remain at the helm of universal justice. AUM, 298.

6. Universally full rights for all humanity should be the sign of the times. Public opinion must imperatively demand justice. Such fullness of rights must be manifested as a natural law in world relationship. Full rights are the most indispensable condition... Can people boast of enlightenment when they know that full rights do not exist? Thus, one should not regard the matter of full rights as having been already justly solved. AUM, 418.

7. Let us comprehend likewise how essential is the elimination of injustice. It is necessary to be fortified in a firm resolve that injustice will not be admitted. If such a decision is firm, a new accumulation of strength will result. It is not easy to safeguard oneself against injustice; it can make its appearance in any of the details of everyday life. There should not be any small injustices; each of them already violates the basis of evolution. Thus, on the path of Brotherhood let us safeguard justice. Brotherhood, 543.

8. Urusavati knows that indignation is sometimes appropriate... How can man remain silent when terrible crimes are committed before his very eyes? No one has ever advocated remaining indifferent to the debasement of human dignity, for by such indifference one allows oneself to become an accomplice of the crime... The Thinker pointed out that indignation as a reaction to injustice can be a wonderful healing of the blind. Supermundane I, 247.

9. Urusavati knows the joy of Universal Justice. Various names were given to this concept in different nations. Each one in its own language called it Karma, Moria, Fatum, Kismet. ...No one denied the existence of the Law that revealed itself throughout Cosmos. The wisdom of this dynamic power indicates the harmony of the Universe. Certain creeds attempted to destroy the profound significance of Cosmic Justice, and by doing this they fell into great error. It can be seen how the creeds that rose against truth soon lost their significance, and how those who respected Cosmic Law were able to succeed. If we trace the history of nations and individual leaders, we will see that the Law of Universal Justice is one of Beauty. Let us not dwell on signs of revenge, for the Law excludes such violence. It is goal-fitness that proceeds from karmic justice and is glorified on the scales of balance. Let us again take the blindfold from the eyes of Themis. Justice must be all-seeing. Supermundane III, 522.

10. People do not correctly understand the great concept of justice. They often regard justice as some decision handed down by the court, but it is really achieved by man himself being summoned to authentic knowledge by directing his heart toward the Truth. The Supermundane World can broaden the consciousness. Just as the dowsing rod can point to underground water and metals, so can the scepter of the spirit point to the Truth. Supermundane III, 697.

11. Severity was necessary for the sake of justice and mercy. Severity and mercy are based on the same concept... All teachings of antiquity declare active resistance to evil. Thus, the well-known sage and lawgiver of China, Confucius, used to say, "God for good, but for evil – justice." Letters of Helena Roerich I, 26 May l934.

13. Thus, let us be modest in our expectations of the leaders, rulers, and judges of the future. It will be excellent if they possess well-developed straight-knowledge, which will help them to assess the true essence of each work and event, and if they will always be guided by the voice of the heart balanced by the intellect. We affirm that the pearl of strength of the future leader will be in his communion with the Hierarchy by means of psychic energy... However, some concrete advice could be given by pointing out that justice signifies a high standard of nobility in government. Judges should undergo tests regarding their perception of the human heart. One could also indicate the necessity for adaptability of laws and accelerating the processes of the Courts of Law. Nothing is more dreadful than dead laws, for in the Cosmos each law is, primarily, goal-fitting. There are as many laws as there are degrees of consciousness. Letters of Helena Roerich II, 15 April l936.

14. The French revolutionaries sought to achieve social liberty and equality, or the assertion of those principles or forms of freedom and justice that have to be laid in the foundation of every healthy state, namely, freedom of conscience and thought, freedom of choice of occupation, and the equality of all citizens, or abolition of classes (privileged castes)... Every citizen of a country is equal before the law, and only his abilities determine his position in the social structure and labor. Letters of Helena Roerich II, l0 September l938.

15. It is impossible to express in a word of law just when the necessity of this or that action becomes evident. Unwritten are the laws of the heart, but only therein does justice dwell, for the heart is the bridge of the worlds. Where are the scales of self-abnegation? Where is the judge of achievement? Where is the measure of duty? The sword of knowledge flashes at the command of the heart. For the heart there will be no contradiction. Brotherhood, 121.

16. You know how capricious are the scales of good and evil... Broad-mindedness is based on tolerance. Wisdom will say, "Let justice be done," yet will not dictate the verdict, for wisdom understands the complexity of the conditions required for justice. Wisdom will sense the right time and will not force events. Wisdom realizes that every event involves all nations. Circumstances many appear one way on the surface, but the true, deeper meaning may be entirely different. Sometimes the predestined is manifested in an unexpected guise. Thus one becomes used to the idea that Justice has many faces. People judge in accordance with their habits, but the law of justice is forged in the three worlds and may be considered supermundane. Supermundane II, 290.

17. Quite correctly you write, "Where is justice, if we are without love?" Indeed, justice, without the higher knowledge that comes with the revelation of Divine Love in man, is only a distortion. True, the nearer to God, the fewer the condemnations. Still, we need not fall into the other extreme – non-resistance to evil. Non-resistance to evil causes even more harm than injustice committed in ignorance but in the ardor of the spirit; for the victim of the latter case will find compensation, if not in the earthly life, then in the Subtle World, where the harvest is gathered. But who will take into account the sphere where evil is spread, owing to non-resistance or pusillanimous, short-sighted sufferance? Letters of Helena Roerich II, 17 October l935.

18. Urusvati knows Our Instruction: "Be Just." But what kind of justice do we mean? People invent many so-called justices... They hide behind official, school, and professional justice. One cannot enumerate all the many views of justice! But human justice is left out. People judge from many points of view, but the main one, "universal justice," is never recognized. We have already spoken about unjust judges as a shame of humanity, but We must now talk not only about judges, but about all those who are sunk in lies. Everyone, every day, pronounces judgments. People take on burdens of responsibility by shooting arrows of falsehood into space, for they judge conventionally, and often ignorantly. Also, people are often opinionated, and even spiteful, when they send their poisonous arrows of judgment... The efforts of humanity should not be devoted only to the development of machines and robots, but should also attend to the development of universal human justice. Otherwise, where can man go in the Supermundane World, and what kind of discourse can he have with Us? We judge humanly, but the one who converses with Us will think that he speaks justly, yet he will be limited by his narrow beliefs. One should grow accustomed to universal justice... The Thinker said, "Learn true justice, for every day you pronounce judgments." Supermundane III, 610.