Selections from the Agni Yoga Series

Presented before the Agni Yoga Society, January 16, 2018

1. You are right, it is most essential at present to think about podvig - people should understand podvig in daily life. Life is meaningless without podvig. And how expressive is the Russian word podvig, indeed, it has no equivalent in European languages. In this word there is a whole sense, the whole quality of aspiring action forward toward self-sacrificing podvig, into the future, into evolution! Letters of Helena Roerich II, 1 October 1935.

2. The heart of a hero knows self-sacrifice in the name of Common Good. It knows self-renunciation and Great Service. The path of the hero is not always strewn with wreaths of human gratitude. The path of the hero proceeds by thorny ways. Therefore, one should always revere the path of self-renunciation, because each advancement upon the face of the Earth which affirms heroism of the spirit guarantees a new beginning. How many heroes of the spirit could have been seen upon mankind's path as torchbearers! But these fires of the spirit are unnoticeable to the eye of ignorance. Thus, on the path to the Fiery World one should revere the heroes of everyday life who saturate life with an achievement in each hour. The community of labor should cultivate these heroes, because the pillars of a nation stand erect only on the qualities of heroism of the spirit and the heart. He who knows the heroism of self-renunciation will not be a chance hero of an hour—the records of space will mark forever the labors of the hero of the spirit. Fiery World III, 43.

3. Humanity is terrified of everything “supernatural,” forgetting that nothing can be supernatural—that is, beyond the real. Therefore, strongly insist that Agni Yoga and the Teaching of the Heart cannot contain anything supernatural. Be especially cautious with people under thirty, since they are still at an age when not all of the centers can function without harm to the heart. It is essential that you make clear that Our Yoga includes no coercive magic and would never generate chaos. You need to light the fires of podvig in the young, to kindle heroic achievements that will transform their essence and, imperceptibly to them, prepare their hearts for future perfectment. Thus, with as much joy and simplicity as possible you should set sail to the White Island, as We sometimes call Our Dwelling. Heart, 113.

4. A special subject ought to be created—Knowledge of the Heart. The simplest maidservant understands the sweetness of speaking about the heart; it would seem to be still simpler, then, for a scholar to expand this concept. Human history itself furnishes tables of the workers of the brain and those of the heart, tables that could be compared. Won’t the images of podvig and the self-sacrificing heroes found therein provide the surest guidance for perfectment of the heart? Heart, 359.

5. Urusvati knows the many forms of heroism. It is said that circumstances make the hero; it would be better to say that circumstances awaken the hero. Many people do not understand this phenomenon, but others know what is destined for them and carry out their mission from an early age. Some sense that they must fulfill something, but their consciousness does not provide a clear indication. For such born heroes circumstances will be the key. They will force the sounding of the deep inner strings and bring about the required podvig.

Today, people do not usually speak about heroes and their achievements. When history narrates heroic deeds, they shrug their shoulders, saying, “It is not for us to perform heroic achievements!” Thus they affirm their own ignorance!

Every era has a place for heroism, beginning with the humble conditions of family life up to cosmic manifestations. One must be able to elevate oneself above the demands of daily life and attend to the needs of the Common Good. Many great opportunities for achievement will then be found; people should not think of podvig as inappropriate.

It is instructive to observe in what nation the word heroism is more often used. Let us ask small children to name their heroes. They will not hesitate to reply, and should be encouraged to maintain this awareness throughout their lives. Supermundane III, 664.

6. And so, be inspired! Write fiery articles in defense of the culture of spirit; praise heroism and podvig. As it is said in the Teaching, "Where the idea of heroism is considered ridiculous, or even indecent, there is real decay. By this sign, one can judge the decrepitude of nations. The last words of the Greatest Spirit to His Brothers when He was leaving the Earth was: “Create heroes!” The time has come when we all must be heroic and must create heroes. Letters of Helena Roerich I, 11 April 1934.

7. Great is the mission to kindle the consciousness of people by podvig, (great deeds), which can change the whole essence of people. Perhaps never was the idea of podvig so necessary in life as now. What a beautiful word--podvig! How expressive! And note how remarkable it is that it has no equivalent in any other Western language. So please remember that communion with the Teacher is achieved through the heart, through purified thinking, and by way of the long, tireless work of self-perfection. Letters of Helena Roerich I, 6 May 1934.

8. Your chapter about striving is quite good. It would be useful to connect this striving still more closely with the concept of podvig by introducing this idea as the sole meaning of life. Much is said about podvig in the books of the Teaching. Indeed, only podvig can nourish our spirit and accelerate evolution. Indeed, achievement and heroism must be thoroughly taught in schools. "Let children call themselves heroes and apply to themselves the qualities of remarkable people. Let them be given books of clear account, wherein the faces of toil and of will have been depicted without any soft coatings. Even for medicinal purposes this valiant call of life is irreplaceable. Such material must be given without delay." Letters of Helena Roerich II, 11 October 1935.

9. Most sincerely I wish you to find in your heart the aspiring love for the Great Image and readiness for the great task. The time is so ominous that all those who have heard the Call must realize the significance of podvig and become true heroes. Thus, become a hero! Letters of Helena Roerich I, August 29 1934.

10. Urusvati knows that man must beware of indifference; it is the ruin of high vibration, it is the killer of ascent; it is the path to apathy. They will say, “But indifference should free one from desire.” This is an error, for no one speaks against the desire for heroic self-sacrifice. Such desires should be understood as darings, as milestones of ascent. Rejoice when you see daring attempts. They prove that the one who dares never falls prey to indifference.

One may notice the beginnings of daring amidst daily life; such glimpses are valuable. They can be even more treasured than the daring that is born of violent commotions and calamities.

They will say, “Necessity breeds heroes,” yet it is still loftier when heroism is engendered freely, when the broadened consciousness perceives the beauty of podvig. Let the podvig be prepared from the early years. Let children sense that they are able to create beauty independently. Amidst everyday life, one can see a child’s thoughts take wing. No one taught them, no one offered them examples, yet their consciousness told them that something unusual, and useful for someone, could and should be done.

The Thinker said, “Replace indifference with magnanimity.” Supermundane IV, 744.

11. Urusvati knows the difference between a podvig–-a fiery achievement-–and a prudent act. A podvig is beautiful, majestic, solemn, wise, and awe-inspiring. It can never be described as prudent. 

When Joan of Arc addressed the elders of her village and spoke about podvig, they found her imprudent, and even reckless. Of course, a podvig is reckless, for it is performed not out of deliberation, but out of straight-knowledge.

There are many for whom the idea of podvig simply does not exist. For them, prudence is the highest ethical level. Their entire world outlook is defined by prudence. For the sake of it they would refuse help to their fellow man, they would be willing to betray their country, even to bring harm to humanity, and they are ready to justify all their crimes by repeating this dead word–-prudence. 

Do not interpret Our attitude toward prudence falsely. This word is based on good concepts; goodness is always good and a wise understanding is always useful. But the worldly misinterpreters manage to turn good ideas into shameful ways. If they could, they would eliminate the word podvig, which is so completely against their mentality.   

Teachers must teach the differences between concepts, otherwise their pupils will repeat ideas senselessly, like parrots. The polluting of human speech is a public crime.   

Here is one more page of Our Inner Life. We can confirm that each of Us performed acts of podvig, some of which were noted by historians, though most of them went unnoticed. One should not burden one’s memory in thinking about one’s own successful acts of podvig. But excessive prudence is not for Us. We may recommend caution and a careful weighing of possibilities, but if a fiery act of podvig is profound in its significance, the more We shall rejoice. We note every act of podvig, for it forges new evolutionary links.

The Thinker said, “Leave prudence to the shopkeepers, love the daring of the heroes.” Supermundane III, 571.