Selections from the Agni Yoga Series

Presented before the Agni Yoga Society, January 24, 2012

1.Urusvati understands the uniformity of law in all worlds. People usually think that the laws of the physical world do not apply to the spiritual world, but every event in life reminds one that the essence of a law is immutable…One can compare the foundations of all worlds and come to see the uniformity of laws. One should approach the Subtle World with this measuring rod. Some qualities may be less perceptible than in the physical world, whereas others will be exaggerated. In the lower strata lust is increased, and in the higher spheres the best qualities are enhanced. There, one's sense of duty grows, and is especially evident at the time of reincarnation. A high spirit does not resist moving naturally into a new life. It rejoices at the possibility of self-improvement, and actively seeks more difficult tasks in order to test its renewed consciousness. The high spirit strives to a difficult path, while the weak one clings to laziness and cowardice. Supermundane I, 83

2.The Cosmos manifests unity of law, but there is no repetition in its variety. Why then does humanity alone strive toward uniformity in everything, while at the same time it violates the fundamental unity of law? Uniformity of perception, uniformity of life, and especially uniformity of thought is cherished by man. It is forgotten that uniformity of expression leads toward stagnation and death. Life and its power are in perpetual change of form. It is necessary to apply this life-giving principle in all expressions of our life. Letters of Helena Roerich I, 1 March, 1929

3. Is not the greatest harm inflicted by monotony, which penetrates into all human strata? The law is one, but its vibrations are as varied as the Universe is multifarious. Those who know this law cannot regard the whole of humanity as a pile of homogeneous stones which resound to different vibrations. One must rejoice at this multiformity, for precisely it gives the path to refinement. What would become of the human heart if it reverberated to only one note? Hence, let all leaders remember about multiformity and diversity. Heart, 175

4. It is the uniformity of life that so strips the life-essence of beauty. How could human life garb itself in so drab and monotonous a garment, when the diversity of Cosmos is full of beauty! The combinations of Cosmos are so varied! The reverberations of Cosmos should be reflected in the life of the planet. How could so monotonous an existence take root on the crust of Earth, when each spirit is unique, when each manifestation may assume varied forms? Infinity I, 35

5. Only with mutual labor can one accustom oneself to, and love the variety of manifestations. Only a few can understand this, because the cosmic multiformity frightens the untempered heart. But how shall we hide from such astounding multiformity? How shall we learn to love it and to have done forever with the limitations of a cramped trend of thought? Let us counteract it with the heart as a shield. Heart, 576

6. In looking back, we will find deep reasons which caused the fall of the old world. Indeed, the stifling of thought and spirit that took place in some countries engendered all kinds of madness. The flood, long dammed up, broke through and swept away everything in its path…. No, nothing is more repulsive to me than the all-leveling principle. The principle of uniformity is primarily unnatural, since it contradicts all cosmic laws. Be-ness itself is based on infinite differentiation. The whole of nature exists in multiformity and struggle - hence, its vitality and beauty. Therefore, we may say: uniformity is death and multiformity is life…. On what is evolution based? The multiplicity of forms and manifestations along with the unity of the fiery essence, the struggle for harmony and attainment of perfection, and the leading hierarchic principle -- these are the foundations of existence. Nature itself is our sole and greatest Teacher and Lawgiver. Letters of Helena Roerich II, 7 October, 1935

7. For a yogi, the saying “nothing is accidental” means that a rainbow of influences exists. The formations are stratified in many colors, and it is valuable to remember this. As in chemical, so also in psychic achievements do we take care to avoid unchanging methods. Monotonous uniformity cuts off a multitude of possibilities. Each seeming unexpectedness produces a new pattern in reaction to the subtlest energies. What benefit can we bring to evolution if we do not understand the multiformity of influences? Agni Yoga, 218

8. The beauty of life is in the affirmation of multiformity. Cosmos does not favor uniformity. Cosmos is diffused in the consciousness of billions of forms. Eject from life the fear of acquiring varied currents. The law of manifoldness provides for all forms of Be-ness. Do not create for yourself the karma which results from repelling the joy of multiformity from the existing life. Accepting in consciousness the principle of multiformity, humanity will be enabled to accept new forms in the comprehension of the far-off worlds. New worlds are built with new forms. Renovate the concept of the new worlds, realizing that they will be unlike yourself and your issue. Infinity I, 75

9. The foundations of life are manifold, and its refinement should have no limitations. Imagine the variety of impressions that strike your consciousness in the course of just one day! Varied are the precipitations and the rhythms, and the ordinary person becomes a co-creator of many events. Even if he does not notice these intense currents, they do exist. Therefore, we should approach the foundations of life in all their multiformity. Joy cannot be just one joy. There are innumerable joys, and each of them touches upon a particular combination of nerve centers. People should think more about rhythm and multiformity. Supermundane II, 333

10. Avoid uniformity, as to both place and work. Actually, uniformity accompanies that greatest fallacy, the concept of personal ownership. First of all, the slave of property loses mobility of spirit. Such a slave ceases to understand that each day of labor should be tinged with a special quality of the spirit. He cannot change place, because his spirit will be permanently fixed in his earthly home. Ask yourself, is it easy for you to move to another place? Is it easy for you to change the nature of your work? If it is, this means that you can appreciate the value of the Common Good. If each journey forces you to write your last will and testament, and a change of work makes you unhappy, this means that a remedy must be taken. Most dangerous journeys should be prescribed, and changes in the way of most diversified work should be assigned. This will develop courage and resourcefulness, because the primary cause of the defect is fear. The embryo of proprietorship is also fear, the feeling that one must be attached to the Earth at least by something. How much new health there is in diversity of place and of labor! Illumination, III:V:6

11. Urusvati knows how difficult it is to achieve harmony of consciousness. We do not speak here about the leveling of all consciousnesses, because, owing to cosmic multiformity, equality does not exist. Because nothing is repeated, the harmony of all parts is essential. It is difficult to imagine what complicated methods would have to be applied to try to equalize consciousnesses. One person may already be approaching the summit, while another has not even reached the foot of the mountain! Truly, in their thinking they have nothing in common. If you give them equal knowledge, for one it will be insufficient, and for the other too much, confusing him and even causing him to betray…. Understanding all the varieties suitable for harmonization embodies the essence of wisdom.

The Thinker said, “Who can know the measures that are used in space? All we can do is be observant and not apply to giants the measures of dwarfs.” Supermundane I, 211

12. The knowledge of how to reflect in one's creation the entire scale of subtlest feelings, images, and thoughts is a great containment. Therefore, let us not limit the creators, let them pour out their song in all the multiformity of the sounds and visions revealed to them. Letters of Helena Roerich II, 10 September, 1938