Selections from the Agni Yoga Series

Presented before the Agni Yoga Society, May 13, 2014

1. The essence of the Cosmic Magnet transmutes all strivings. Only the realization of attraction effects a complete karmic bond. The principle of attraction obliges one to strive. Hence, the spirit who knows his karmic bond saturates his striving with beauty. Thus, the spirit striving to union carries out a cosmic ordinance. The cosmic blending is saturated with pure fire. The creativeness of Cosmos confirms the law of consummation. Thus summons the law. Infinity II, 150.

2. Listen, but judge not. Often precisely an outflow of poison liberates a man for a new path. The Teaching extends aid not by negation but by attraction. Fiery World II, 410.

3. In Cosmos there is a law which foresees all the best combinations. Does not the law of attraction move the striving particles? Is not the law of gravitation put in effect by the Highest Reason? When people speak about harmonization they penetrate very little into the essence of the law itself. Cosmic creativeness contains in itself the substance of the great Materia Matrix. Attraction is a property established for the expansion of Cosmos. Therefore, this law acts upon all planes, in spirit and in matter. The foundation of construction is established upon the manifestation of the better possibilities, and the creativity of spirit proceeds under the same mighty law. Hence, while the creativeness of Cosmos is put in tension by sundry factors, it should be understood that the main impulse is given by the Highest Reason. Thus is the Infinite built. Thus is the world chain built. Thus is Cosmos built. Infinity II, 130.

4. Urusvati knows that thoughts about beautiful legends lead to the Teacher. And even in the most difficult hours, thoughts about the Brotherhood will create the best bridge to it.

Thoughts should be directed to the Beautiful, as a salutary medicine. People do not understand what a powerful remedy has been given to them, and they prefer to complain, feel discontent, and weep, not understanding that such ways only limit the best possibilities.

Upasika provides the best example. Even in the most difficult moments she was striving to Us. Such will power inevitably results in a powerful vibration. Nothing could compel her to criticize the Teacher, even indirectly. No misfortune could make her forget the Brotherhood. Not even the shipwreck could interfere with her concentration. She held firmly to the thought about the Brotherhood, and this focus intensified the sacred vibration.

Urusvati also knows that talk or thought about Us brings the sacred vibration closer. We, too, know the power of exalted thought, and come together for the purpose of thinking unitedly about the Beautiful. However, We do not suggest one particular image; each individual selects the most beautiful according to his affinity. Thus, a symphony is created which comes close to the music of the spheres. Its chords ring out like victorious trumpets, so harmonious that their very sounds fill the heart with joy.

Amidst the most grievous struggles, remember the Beautiful. It can be a panacea for the heart of the toiler. Know that this Advice is given not only to you; in Our Abode it is also applied. Everyone has his dangers and sorrows, but it is a joy to know that there is the one protecting remedy for all. Supermundane I, 135.

5. The persecuted leads, with the persecutors trailing after him; so says the ancient truth about the superiority of the persecuted. To understand it means to enter the path of the persecuted. Many persecutors turned to the path of those they persecuted, for the pursuit upon that path ended up attracting them to it. That is why we prefer the path of the persecuted. Heart, 352.

6. The liberated spirit always aspires into the higher spheres, but the spirit attached to Earth remains for a long time enchained in the lower strata of the Astral World. The bond between the physical body and the astral is not easily broken during earthly consciousness. The occurrence of a rupture between the bodies recoils painfully on those spirits which manifest earthly attractions. During ascent of the spirit, of course, the liberation is affirmed at the point of breaking away from the Earth. The cosmic law of attraction stands behind this attachment which is intensified by the energy of the consciousness. Let us imagine a sphere filled with the gases of base desires. Such spheres do engulf spirits which have not as yet been liberated from earthly burdens. The spirit impelled to the Fiery World manifests its own attraction by pressing itself upon all fiery energies. On the path to the Fiery World, saturation of the consciousness by the Higher World produces its spiral which draws the spirit away into the Higher Spheres. Fiery World III, 296.

7. Urusvati knows that the law of attraction and repulsion operates in all the worlds. This law is a vital one, especially in the realm of thought, for there the mediating energy is most active. It is instructive to observe how this law operates in the Subtle World, where its manifestation is more evident than in the material world. People assume that in the Subtle World one can always remain in the sphere that accords with one's spiritual affinity, but this possibility is conditional. In truth, everyone is attracted to a certain sphere, but this does not prevent the sending of thoughts into other spheres. These mental bridges can serve as media for new contacts as long as repulsion is not operating. And if the directed thought is clear and kind even this obstacle can be surmounted.

In the Subtle World negative feelings such as malice, revenge, and general harmfulness will exhaust themselves because they are useless. The spirit ultimately awakens to the fact that no gates are opened by such keys. Likewise on Earth, people who are ardently absorbed in their work have no time to dwell on petty offenses or injustices. Work demands their complete attention. In the higher spheres evil thoughts do not exist, for evil is of chaos, and in harmonious spheres there are no conditions for discord. Thus an attraction is created, and the Magnet is brought into operation.

Even in the physical world clear thoughts will grow and lead to the heights. Such thoughts should not be shattered by petty misfortunes. After all, most grievances are born of mistrust, and when people eventually learn to trust the Higher Forces, they regret the energy spent on complaints. The best thought can be generated anywhere in the world.

The Great Thinker Himself taught people to find refuge where there is no despair. Supermundane II, 389.

8. Some people are called bearers of happiness, some of unhappiness. Many examples and much evidence can be found. Let us assume that something like this exists, and let us look at it from a psycho-physical point of view. In addition to karmic effects, there is something that attracts or repels happiness. By a series of physical experiments, one can demonstrate that certain combinations of elements will determine the degrees of attraction and repulsion. The stronger the presence of the basic energy in people, the more positive will be their effect. If this main element is fire, then the other needed elements will be drawn like moths toward the light. This means that even success can be revealed and measured in physical terms, and it is useful to know one's own essence. Agni Yoga, 485.

9. Manifestation of their will leads people to different attainments. Whoever has accustomed himself to thinking about a pit of trash invariably will find it. Beautiful is the law that thought guides man. Beautiful thought does not lead the way to darkness. Fiery World II, 431.

10. And it is also said,” The scales of man’s karma affirm their measurement of free will.” That is to say that the quality of karma reveals either a high or low degree of a person’s will. The will is the main factor and creator for all that exists. Thus, man is punished or rewarded, not by the High Forces, or Divinity, but is drawn to this or that environment or sphere only because of the affinity of the atoms that enter the whirl of his aura with the atoms of the corresponding spheres. It is said that karma cannot overburden a harmonious body; therefore, let us strive to perfect our energies. Perfectment will lead to balance, or harmony. Letters of Helena Roerich II, 8 June 1936.

11. This bond unites Us and creates the best results. Thus, the most wondrous thread is the silver one uniting the heart of the Hierarch with his disciple. The light of the spirit is nurtured by this might. Therefore, when We speak of a united aura, We have in mind the actuality of the bond! Thus, the Counsels should be guarded as the Source of Light. Thus one can attract the best opportunities. Hence the sacred union of the Hierarch with the disciple is evidenced when the disciple's consciousness is striving toward the consciousness of the Hierarch. Thus a wondrous step is built by a blended heart! Hierarchy, 156.

12. The ways of the heart, the fiery ways that lead to the ascension of the spirit, are developed by being imbued with one and the same impulse of the attraction of the Cosmic Magnet. How many different branchings the sensitive fiery heart possesses! But its source is one, and its potentiality is imbued by the sole source, Hierarchy. The ways of the heart, the fiery ways, proceed from the great summit of Hierarchy and lead to that Pearl of the World. Thus, We affirm the flame of the heart and the wondrous silver thread that unites the worlds. Thus we conquer through creativeness manifested by the silver thread. Hierarchy, 459.

13. One should not only reconcile the Fiery World with Infinity, but also hold firmly to the concept of the Hierarchy. The Beauty of the Fiery World is crowned by the steps to Hierarchy, which ascends into the Infinite Light. One should not feel grieved if only a few consciously ascend the steps of Light. These giants are surrounded by such magnets that they attract others who are carried along involuntarily, unaware of the difficult path. Fiery World III, 1.

14. When man takes upon himself communion with the Higher World, he is truly daring, but this daring is sacred. The Subtle World listens to these calls and understands their significance. Such communion attracts a multitude of listeners--co-workers, as it were--therefore egoism must be excluded from prayer; for the best prayer will be renunciation and desire for the Good. Let the Teaching persist in emphasizing the usefulness of the bond with the Higher World; only thus is it possible to affirm Great Service. Aum, 105.

15. Brotherhood, like a Magnet, attracts ready souls. The paths differ, but there is that inner chord that sounds and calls to unity. One can feel the most salutary vibrations, but only a few understand the significance of such healing manifestations. It is impossible to explain in words alone how this unification takes place. One must have a broadened consciousness in order to understand and gratefully receive the Help sent. Thus will man begin to discern how the higher energy draws near. Brotherhood, 443.