Selections from the Agni Yoga Series

Presented before the Agni Yoga Society, January 20, 2015

1. You think correctly about the manifold effects of human emanations upon their surroundings. A convincing example is to be found in the effect of a human being upon animals and plants. Give someone an animal or plant, and by noting the change in its condition you can identify the man who is a destroyer of life energy…. Seek the cause of this in the emanations of the man. Observe and record the history of the sickness of the spirit. The roots of what is physically evident are concealed in past accumulations. I advise that you treat coldly those people with unhealthy emanations. Treatment with coldness will improve them more quickly. Do not regard this as cruelty. We only remind you to open the door sensitively to all who knock. Agni Yoga, 61

2. Fanaticism is inadmissible. It contains neither devotion, nor love, nor magnanimity, but is only a reversion to the animal state. Fanaticism begets treason, hostility, and cruelty. The fanatic does not reach the Fiery World, because love is the key to it. Fanaticism is like a neglected ailment, if not immediately attended to it becomes incurable. Such a consciousness must encounter great shocks in order to understand true devotion. By repulsion alone one cannot acquire the quality of the magnet. Therefore, I am so concerned that you should not lose a single opportunity for manifesting friendliness. The best fuel should be preserved for the fire of the heart. The store of friendliness generates true compassion, which is directly opposed to the cruelty of fanaticism. Fanaticism knows only the egoism which presumptuously says, “All or nothing.” And since all is impossible, there remains nothing. Therefore, take notice of even the slightest signs of fanaticism. Cure them with the greatest patience as you would a contagious disease. It is precisely fanaticism which has shaken the most beautiful Teachings and corroded the seeds of love. Fiery World I, 661

3. Urusvati knows that cruelty, rudeness, hypocrisy, and falsehood impede the evolution of humanity. If science, proud in its achievements and successes, cannot help to promote humaneness, and art does not succeed in elevating the consciousness, then all is not happy in the world! The social sciences point out the bases of human progress, and in none can one find praise for the above-mentioned vices. All of them speak about the same thing, the elevation of human consciousness. Even the most extreme teachings do not support falsehood. But neither science, art, nor religion can uproot those vices that constrain man like fetters. Do not forget that science, art, and religion have at times been the excuse for the most wicked activities. Members of some philosophical societies devote their meetings to discourses about higher subjects, but immediately afterwards indulge in the most shameful behavior. One should search for the root of all social illnesses. Only the healing of the inner life will help to elevate the social life. Supermundane III, 548

4. Should one pay attention to those who do not desire either to understand or accept? You know many followers of the Highest Teachings, but do they apply them in life? On the contrary, their cruelty of heart and self-love are astonishing. It means that reason has deafened the heart. Heart, 427

5. Cruelty of the heart is death of the heart. Dead hearts fill the world with disintegration. Fiery World I, 104

6. Even during Earthly life people transform their appearance through their passions. How greatly is this quality of justice magnified in the Subtle World! You have already seen how the dwellers of the Subtle World are transformed--some become luminous, some become darkened and even disfigured to the most horrible extent. With very few exceptions no one on Earth cares to see in this self-transformation the law of justice. People do not realize that they must take the necessary precautions in time, at least for the sake of their own appearance. Each thought honeyed by a hypocritical smile flowers according to its merit in the Subtle World. And if Agni has not been called into action, the ugly grimace of the true personality is almost ineradicable. Moreover, few of those disfigured by malice have enough sense to turn toward the Light in time. According to the law of progression, they keep rolling down into the dark abysses until a sudden reversal takes place, often inducing a reaction in the darkest one. Not through fear of any punishment, but in anticipation of their own destiny, should people turn to purification. What each one metes out for himself is not severity but justice. The thought of purification must lead to the realization of Fire. The Fiery Baptism is the wisest covenant, but how can it descend upon one if the heart is not softened and dwells in cruelty? The mask of cruelty is dreadful; it cannot be wiped away, just as Addison's disease cannot be washed off the face. Cruelty is a ferocious disease! Even a beast attacks a cruel being. Thus, I call to mind those whose faces cannot be cleansed, that have forgotten the heart, the Fiery World, and the Hierarchy of Light. Fiery World I, 578

7. Certainly, cruelty must be eradicated; not only cruelty of actions but also cruelty of thoughts. The latter is worse than any action. It is imperative that the State take measures to prevent the inceptions of cruelty in infancy. Humanity must be purified of the most inhuman, dull and malicious darkness of low thinking, as of leprosy. Children are not cruel until they see the first cruel action, which reveals the current of dark chaos. Only a few are prepared to oppose the current of darkness. Such accumulation of consciousness is rare. One cannot presuppose such attainment in everyone; on the contrary, one should take measures befitting a lower step. Likewise, let us not repeat in a moribund manner the great Commandment, “Thou shalt not kill!” But let us ponder where is the greater killing, in the hand, in the word, or in the thought? One should reflect that the thought of people is ever ready for murder. Fiery World II, 157

8. Without any instructions people know how to care for a beloved object. They will resourcefully discover how to keep it in concealment. They will exert themselves not to break or damage a beloved thing. Someone has said that people are most competent at preserving stones and metals, less so with plants, still less with animals, and least of all with man. You can judge for yourself how just is such an understanding. Man is a most subtle organism, and yet the most cruel treatment falls to his lot. Let us not close our eyes to the fact that the so-called abolishment of corporal punishment is merely a screen for still greater cruelty. When will the abolition of spiritual persecutions finally come! When will people realize that the highest degree of torture is torment of the spirit! As long as they are not conscious of the Subtle World, humaneness will not be realized. Brotherhood, 442

9. The leader stands on the crest from which there can be no departure. Only a born leader can find the boundary between opposite conceptions. From the hidden boundaries, victory is built. Every day, every hour, the leader conquers riddles. Here he finds condescension, and here is want of firmness; of course, one may result from the other, but between the two is a sword of justice. For condescension is of Light, but lack of character is of darkness. On the crest between them lies the sword of the leader. Narrow is the place wherein the sword can be laid. Just as narrow is the boundary between courage and cruelty. Only the leader's heart can sense the boundary. Letters of Helena Roerich I, 25 May 1934

10. Urusvati, together with Us, knows how to be kind. In this one word is contained an entire world outlook. No other concept can be named which is so distorted. From idle hypocrisy to manifest cruelty, all finds its place under the mask of good. One should really know how to be kind in order to benefit others rather than oneself. We continually send thoughts about kindness, action, and labor. There cannot be kindness without action. There cannot be any good where there is no labor. There will be no kindness where there is no opposition to evil. There will be no kindness if we do not accept the responsibility to discern evil, to recognize corruption, and do not lose the possibility of bringing Light. Beautiful are the words, “Light disperses darkness.” However, Light must be brought, and this action in itself is full of self-abnegation. Light will also illuminate and dispel frightful monsters, even when they show themselves in their worst aspect. Every light-bearer has to live through those moments. He should not slacken his pace and should look fearlessly upon the monsters. There will be no complete renunciation of fear if the light-bearer averts his eyes in the hope that Light alone will dispel the monsters. It is not only Light but also the Primal Energy that strikes the blow which destroys darkness. Supermundane I, 57

11. Urusvati knows the true meaning of self-torment. Agni Yoga, which leads the way to the Fiery World, warns against all kinds of torment, all kinds of torture. Harmonizing of the fiery centers is painful and requires much care, and when the yoga takes place amidst earthly conditions, each incidence of cruelty becomes unbearable.

We have pointed out before that cruelty is a sign of savagery, and that people should abhor this dark side of mankind…. Humanity cannot yet claim to be free of savagery; on the contrary, one can see that the opposite is true. Agni Yoga is directed to the curbing of such savagery….

The earthly world, just as the Supermundane, is in need of purification and a refining of the centers. Let us be grateful to those heroes who transmit the call for the podvig of self-sacrifice.

The Thinker, when asked about the basis of earthly life, answered, “Human, be more humane!” Supermundane IV, 883

12. The associates of the black lodges themselves distinctly recognize each other. There actually exist obvious signs. Thus, if you notice an inhuman cruelty, be assured that this is a sign of the dark ones. Each Teaching of Light is primarily a development of humaneness. Remember this definitely, for the world has never before been in such a need of this quality. Humaneness is the gateway to all other worlds. Humaneness is the basis of straight-knowledge. Humaneness is the wings of beauty. The essence of humaneness is the substance of the Chalice. Therefore, above all, on Earth let us be clothed in humaneness and recognize it as an armor against the dark forces. A fiery manifestation will visit the heart through humaneness. Thus we shall realize once again to what a degree the farthest is the nearest. We also recognize each other through humaneness. Thus, in this hour of danger, let us labor for the most imperative. Fiery World I, 75

13. Urusvati knows the High Path. Love is the key to its entrance. Love is the power of overcoming. Love is the healing spring, the inexhaustible. It is said: Lofty is the Yoga of Love. Some people regard the path of Love as the easiest, but for others it is the most difficult. The heart in which malice and cruelty live cannot love. Many people are unaware that their storerooms are full of malice, and they cannot overcome their base feelings. They may pretend to heed what they hear about the victory of Love, but their essence is dark, and they will enter the Supermundane World without a torchlight. The highest vibration of Love cannot be taught if there is no seed of it in the heart. The fire of Love burns powerfully. It should lead to the High Path. Supermundane IV, 915