Selections from the Agni Yoga Series

Presented before the Agni Yoga Society, March 3, 2015

1. With a pledge of leadership one can provide the same collective force that a commander provides on a battlefield. An experienced warrior is not flustered by the fluctuations of success. Pulsation is part of any process of growth; an even setting exists only in a state of no motion. So the living heart is not flat and even. But in times of cosmic tension one may suggest to the heart that it not overstrain itself. The link between the individual heart and the cosmic pulse is quite evident. The Universal Heart could be detected using laboratory methods. Heart, 586

2. Truly, only the small consciousness can be annoyed by the authority of the Guru. For what is the authority of the Guru but the authority of the Hierarch? The authority of the Hierarch does not mean domination over the aspirations of everything inferior. The authority of the Hierarch and Guru is not a tyranny. This authority is the highest knowledge. It is said: "The Hierarch uses the power for cosmic progress. We Brothers of Humanity possess this power of acting in unison with the Cosmic Magnet." The Hierarch and the Guru are those experienced Pilots who, during the violent storm, are guiding through the destructive waves, through all the rocks, the boat entrusted to Them, the boat in which we, as the "precious" cargo, all have our place. Therefore, let us not forget this; let us not leave the Hand which is out-stretched in salutary Leadership! Power and domination are two different things. Domination is the lowest form of consciousness because it is caused by fearful, all-excluding egoism; while power, blessed by the highest knowledge and strained by the heart, is the highest sacrifice…. Heart was always considered to be the symbol of the Leader. Letters of Helena Roerich I, 24 February 1930

3. Some may ask why I speak of a Leader and not of a Ruler. The difference between them is enormous. The conception of Ruler presupposes the present and the ruling over something already existing, but the Leader manifests the future in the very significance of the word. He has not received anything already built; he leads, and each of his actions impels forward. The ruler knows that which is already built and accomplished, but the Leader confronts nothing which is already affirmed and must bring the people to the Mount of Perfection. If the burden of the Ruler is great, then the responsibility of the Leader is still greater, and therefore the Highest Powers affirm their Altar there, where there are signs of such Leadership. Precisely the Leader must discriminate between hypocrisy and sincerity. The manifestation of the virtue of the heart differs greatly from a forced servility. The Leader has the power to discern this quality….

But we also know that for the High Communion a pure heart is needed. Nothing impure can partake of this Communion, therefore the symbol of the Leader must be the sign of purity of the heart. Not only in actions but in thoughts the Leader carries the welfare of the people. He knows that he is entrusted to bring a full chalice. He does not lose his path in useless wanderings. He will not spill the entrusted chalice. Thus the concept of the Leader is a sign of the future. Fiery World II, 48

4. What has been spoken about the masses and about their lack of understanding of statesmanship was correct. One must add to this the fact of the absence of national leaders. It is necessary to develop in the nation a sense of responsibility, in order that the voice of the people be truly the voice of a community. The development of the sense of leadership has degenerated! The soul of a nation is hidden, and he who represents the state must possess the whole synthesis of the nation. It will be impossible to admit in the future such manifestations as the appearance of those arbitrary leaders who have overrun the planet. The right of leadership belongs to a spirit linked with the Forces of Light. Therefore, according to the Higher Law, there can be no accidental leaders. When the consciousness has become expanded, then will become possible the affirmation of the great law of Leadership. In each field there should be applied a subtle understanding of the law of Leadership. Thus, statesmanship must be manifest in the entire structure of life. The act of violation of the national feeling by the pronouncements of the leader results in grave consequences. Hence, it is fitting to honor the great Leadership which is bestowed by the special right of the state spirit of the nation. On the path to the Fiery World let us honor the Leader. Fiery World III, 51

5. The most frightful bane of humanity is its narrow world outlook. The best people think that the adoption of their horizon is the principal key to the salvation of the World, but their world outlook goes no farther than the boundaries of the physical world. Representatives of the church promise people salvation of the soul, but beyond the physical world they do not go. National leaders direct the thinking of their peoples toward reorganization, but further than the lower spheres they do not lead. Thus one can enumerate all the degrees of human leadership, and become horrified at the blind alley into which humanity has entered. Verily, only the reconstruction of the World and the regeneration of consciousness can awaken the energies needed for the maintenance of the planet…. Let us apprehend in the heart the Fiery Covenant to assist the reconstruction of the World. Fiery World III, 334

6. The one who belittles or distorts the Will of the Teacher ruins himself. The one who belittles his Guru resembles a man who tries to cut off the branch of a tree on which he is sitting. The greater our Guru the greater are we, but this simple axiom is not comprehended. The whole history of humanity proves that the great historical figures, the true leaders and philosophers, had reverence for their Gurus, whose leadership helped them to become giants of spirit and doers of great deeds. Letters of Helena Roerich I, 7 January 1931

7. The Teaching points out vices, namely, ambition, self-conceit and selfishness, suspiciousness and light-mindedness, which should not be allowed to grow up among the co-workers if they wish to build the foundation of a new step. Let us become firmly aware in our hearts that the Teacher disapproves of the tendency toward bossiness. As I have already written once before--domineeringness and true leadership are antipodes. While the former is the offspring of darkness, the latter is of the light of knowledge in the eternal striving toward perfection. Letters of Helena Roerich I, 17 August 1930

8. We and our co-workers must know how to defend our rights immediately. We must find ten new points and attacks to each opposition. First of all, we must demand a complete understanding of our cultural activities. We must be able to unify the consciousnesses of our co-workers with our own. Indeed, it is impossible to expect at once similar thoughts, but we must watch their ideas and when necessary we must tactfully correct them. We have already experienced a successful example of such leadership. Therefore, you must also be watchful and straighten out the thoughts of your advisers and co-workers. We must not only listen to the Teaching and agree with it, but we must become active and creative in our fulfillment of the tasks. Letters of Helena Roerich I, 20 July 1931

9. The thought about the League of Culture is more than timely. There are stupendous, lifeless manifestations of selfishness on one side, while on the other is the terrible, grossest materialism, which denies the creative fire of spirit, which depersonalizes and equalizes by reducing man to nihility. The League of Culture should introduce educational problems in the light of this new spirituality. Thus, it would give the growing generation a new comprehension of education and a real appreciation of the true values of the human spirit, which in most cases are entirely forgotten. And so, let the League of Culture consist of very small groups. In time they will develop, but let these groups realize the tremendous significance of their task. Threatening and merciless is our time, and the conscious elements of every country should use all possible spiritual means in order to be able to stand against subversion. No doubt everyone is looking for some outlet from this bewilderment, but the majority run after mechanical solutions, forgetting that the true change can come only by means of the expansion of consciousness and by the acceptance of spiritual leadership. As it is said: "Only by broadening the consciousness is it possible to solve the problems of life. One can see how mechanical hypotheses ensnare the hopes of people. This is what was known by the ancients as Maya, which could be destroyed by the slightest blow." Letters of Helena Roerich I, 27 January 1933

10. Yes, the time has come when woman should be prepared to participate in the burdens and leadership of government. Woman, the life-giver, who lays the first foundations of education, has also the right to create better conditions for those she brings into the world. Her common sense, and especially her heart, will dictate to her many correct decisions. If we take the historical facts and true biographies of many great people, we shall see that often the source of their inspiration and their chief adviser was a woman. Thus, in ancient Egypt the head priestess often inspired the hierophants by transmitting to them the will of their goddess. Thus, they were called the inspirers of the leaders of the people. Letters of Helena Roerich I, 17 August 1934

11. And now, regarding Armageddon, you are quite right--Armageddon is symbolic of the last decisive battle between Light and darkness. But it should not be thought that this battle can soon be over. It will continue for a number of years, but the fury of it will differ in various parts of the planet. Where the human spirit awakens more quickly for the leadership of the spirit, there the great construction will begin. With each year the influence of the forces of Light will increase, but it is essential that the human spirit be able to accept the gifts that are sent. The greatest possibilities are knocking at humanity's door, but the choice is always free. Verily, the coming time will be the greatest test for all humanity. Letters of Helena Roerich II, 30 March 1936

12. Beautiful are the words you wrote, "not only subordination but also power and leadership should be considered as service, and only as such can they be justified." Verily, all power should be first of all--service. Power is sacrifice. And when the leaders of the future shall be filled with the spirit of true service, then a new degree of evolutionary structure of life will approach. The leaders will then rule in complete accord with the Cosmic Magnet, which is the bond and communion with the Higher World in the order of Be-ness. Letters of Helena Roerich II, 15 April 1936