Selections from the Agni Yoga Series

Presented before the Agni Yoga Society, January 6, 2015

1.Urusvati remembers the striking features of the Great Pilgrim: the eyes, the forehead, and the light brown hair, features that overwhelmed one with wonder, and were so unusual that they provoked exaggerated rumors among the local people. It should be remembered that everything that amazes can cause distorted and absurd interpretations.

History knows little about the Mother of the Great Pilgrim, who was as exceptional as Her Son. The Mother came from a great family and was the embodiment of refinement and nobility of spirit. She was the One who laid the foundation for His first high ideals, and sang a lullaby to Him in which She foretold His miraculous future. She took great care to safeguard Her Child, and was a source of strength for His great achievements. She knew several languages, and thus made the path easier for Him. Nor did She object to His long pilgrimages, and gathered all that was necessary to make the travels easier. She rightly valued the common people and knew that they would guard the treasures of His Teaching. She recognized the grandeur of the Culmination and thus could give heart to those of diverse character who were weakened by doubt and rejection. She was prepared to experience the same achievement as Her Son, and He entrusted to Her His decision, which was confirmed by the Teachers. It was the Mother who understood the mystery of His wanderings. For the fundamental truth about the Mother's life to be clear, one must understand the local conditions of those times. However, She was led by Her insight into the future and was able to rise above the customs of Her country.

In truth, very little is known about Her, but when one speaks about the Great Pilgrim one has to say a word about the Mother who led Him to the Highest. Supermundane I, 147

2. Urusvati knows that even during difficult days joy generates power. Long ago We said that joy is a special wisdom. Truly, joy must be recognized, and realized. Gloomy people are clouded over by troubles and sorrows, and they cannot see joy. Through the net of sadness people become blind and lose their strength, and cannot help themselves. Nor are they able to receive Our help, because depression and irritability block the way. It is as if no one had ever told them about the harm of depression.

Depressed people are considered unfortunate. Think about this last word. Did anyone deprive these people of their fortune? They missed all good possibilities by themselves and initiated their own misfortune long ago. Discontent, malice, and irritability cut off the path to joy, and their dark thoughts robbed them of the source of strength. Egoism prevented them from recognizing joy and whispered, “Joy lies only in personal gain.” Thus, the most fruitful joy can be hidden under an ugly cover of despondency. Those blinded by despondency are indeed the most pitiful people.

Man possesses the great gift of cognizing joy. The high forehead that was given to him is a sign of lofty aspirations. From the far-off worlds down to the smallest flower joy offers herself to people. A new supply of strength comes to you every time you allow yourself to be joyous, for there is an intensity in joy that opens the next gate.

Who gave people the right to assume that they will be forever unfortunate? Ignorance was the source of this lie. But a wise hero knows that even at the hour of persecution the path to joy is not closed. People forget the simple truth that everything is in unending motion. Sadness will be forgotten, but sparks of joy shine forever.

Our life is long, and We can confirm that joy is never forgotten and is an unending source of power. Blessed are those who are able to take their joy into the Subtle World. When We say, “Joy hastens,” it really is approaching. But often people are unable to notice joy, for they have bound themselves by deliberate suggestion. Thus joy loses its power. Look everywhere, and gather all the sparks of joy.

The Thinker taught, “Know how to recognize joy. Among the Muses there is the Muse of Joy, but you can invite this Protectress only by beautiful words and thoughts. Do not attempt to threaten and demand, for She comes only by the path of Beauty.” Supermundane I, 231

3. Urusvati knows that people use various methods for developing the memory, and some have even invented a particular technique called mnemonics. They categorize memory into different types, and believe that the physical brain can be strengthened and developed by so-called ‘cramming.’ But they ignore the most important possibility, which transforms the human consciousness. They forget that continuous, concentrated thought about what one reveres most is the surest way to develop the memory. There is no need to burden the consciousness with petty details. One must first of all concentrate upon what has been chosen as the principal concept. Such concentration will increase the sensitivity of the nerve centers. When people learn to keep their ultimate goal continuously in mind they will acquire a better kind of memory, one that may be called synthesized.

This might seem like very simple advice: one need only concentrate! But it is most important that one know how to choose the object of one’s concentration. We can mention Our Sister, who one-pointedly carries within Herself the memory of the most sacred and beloved; such an achievement is possible even amidst earthly tribulations. People should consider that a strong anchor can save a ship even during a storm. No one is forced to such concentration, but human nature itself directs one toward the surest means. Supermundane III, 451

4. So, let each one equip himself with valor, which should be close to his spirit. Happy is the one who possesses the valor of a flaming heart! Everything is easy to such a one, and joyous is the battle under the leadership of the Hierarchy of Light. He will sacredly treasure the weapons entrusted to him, and he will remember all the biddings and indications because all will be contained in the flaming heart and not in dead writings. There will be no necessity to remind him again about the same suggestions and to point out the forgotten shields hanging upon the wall. His heart will be an inexhaustible source of strength. His consciousness will not be divided because the purpose of achievement will be sparkling brightly ahead of him, and all his thoughts and all his aspirations will fly like steel arrows, obedient to the commands of the Hierarchy of Light. Letters of Helena Roerich I, 3 June 1931

5. I have already said that mysteries and miracles are no longer relevant. In their place an understanding of psychic energy must be affirmed in the consciousness. It is psychic energy that causes live-giving forces to be set into motion. Let us remember this. Some obscure centers, as yet unknown to medicine, are revealing themselves as the source of power for our thoughts. Soon these levers will find their application and will merit chapters in books. Agni Yoga, 628

6. The life-activity is intensified by different vibrations of the subtle energies. Thus the essence of life-activity and that upon which the life of each spirit is based are so inadequately realized. People think that the life process is contained only in the tissues, forgetting that the creativeness of Cosmos is intensified by the subtle energies and by that invisible process which permits perpetual interchange and contact with the Spatial Fire. The maintenance of psychic energy is based upon the spiritual process. Verily, humanity must realize where is the source of life-activity and in what is contained the interchange for the growth of the forces. The moment humanity severed itself from the Source of Power, the shifting of the forces occurred; thus it is in the entire cosmic constructiveness.

Thus, in the entire structure the force is in need of saturation by the Source. Hence, Hierarchy is so greatly stressed by Us, for this Source is the Source of Bliss, and in the epoch of the transformation of the world there is verily only one anchor of salvation. Therefore, consciousness should be affirmed upon the center of all that is given. Hierarchy, 355

7. The strongest Source of fiery energies, the heart, still has not been investigated as a manifestation of impelling force and of creative power. One must penetrate into the nature of creativeness in order to understand how invincible the heart is when all the fires are aflame. One must know that only a true source of powerful energies can create. Therefore, cultivation of the heart must be understood as the kindling of all fires. Each truly lofty manifestation of the heart depends upon the tension of the higher energies. The fiery heart saturates the subtle bodies with subtle energies. Those vibrations which establish the sacred bond between the Subtle World and the World of Fire are the fiery vibrations of the heart. Verily, on the path to the Fiery World it is necessary to strive for the creation of these sacred vibrations of the heart. Thus, the Sun of Suns is the Heart. Fiery World III, 206

8. Urusvati knows how the pace of earthly events is often accelerated, in a way beyond human understanding. One may wonder whether such processes have only an earthly cause, but they clearly demonstrate their supermundane origins.

Truly, one can see evidence of supermundane activity by observing events on Earth. People are inclined to regard earthly events as an accidental sequence because they refuse to admit the presence of the Supermundane Mind. The ancient wisdom, however, was already aware of the Great Intelligence, or Nous. Such thinking permitted a balanced understanding of earthly events, but at present, despite the advances in science, progress in philosophy has lagged, thus engendering many calamities for which people cannot find a wise solution.

One can recall how a certain Ruler, before making an urgent decision, used to retire into solitude for at least a day in order to escape the assault of worldly concerns. One can apply one’s thought to a critical matter, but it is even better to free one’s thought to soar into the Supermundane World, to then return fortified by the power of the Supermundane.

People must learn to turn to the Supermundane World. Earthly events prove that people, despite everything, do not recognize the possibility of communion with the Source of Power. Many misfortunes plunge multitudes into despair, but even amidst calamities people do not know how to accept Help.

The Thinker often pointed out, “Do not give in to despair, for by doing so you reject the Help.” Supermundane III, 520